How not to drive a police vehicle through floods

softus as much as I ( love you ) :LOL: you do like to quote things word by word, thats your only fault, everyone one who reads my posts will know what I mean, fingers crossed. So stop being an dick head, i'm not joe or bob, so don't respond as if I am thank you. :rolleyes:

ps MATE ;)
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I'm fond of you too markie, and I don't mean you to feel that I see you in the same way as, to pick an extreme example, joe-90, but in this instance I can't help disagreeing with you. I could have said nothing, but I thought by asking I might find that I'd misinterpreted what you'd written, and I still think I might have done.

I don't agree that the people you said were stupid are actually stupid. I think they're dedicated, courageous, noble people who find themselves in a job that suits them and yet without the power to negotiate the remuneration that most of us would like to see them get. This isn't universally true of course; there are bad policemen, and I daresay there are bad nurses, but to describe the entire class of people as stupid because of that single failing seems to me to be (a) wrong, and (b) beneath you.
I don't think it's stupid to get a job with good rates of pay with regular increases, good holidays, benefits, promotion prospects and a decent pension. All this without any academic qualifications necessary.
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crap pay, crap conditions, being ever more erroded away, too much politics and people building little empires, constant struggle to get what we needed to do the job properly, too much needless bureacrucy, never felt valued by management etc etc etc. I actually enjoyed the work, even have knives and guns pointed at me (well didnt enjoy that!), but i was left with too many scars, both physical and mental.

pension is good but then you pay 11% of your income every month so its not free like many people think and theyve changed the rules on lots of it now so its no where near as good.

i enjoyed most of my time but i wouldnt go back.
how much would you want to be paid to have someone attack you with a knife?
how much would you want to be paid to have someone point a gun at you?
how much would you want to be paid to pick up a 1 year old baby thats been ripped in half in a car crash...and 7 other people that are in bits?
how much would you want to be paid to watch someone burn to death?
how much would you want to be paid to searcha a drug addicts flat thats three inches deep in **** and needles?
how much would you want to be paid to have your home life and plans turned upside down at a drop of a hat?

i agree its not bad but its not brilliant pay
And all that before lunch?
How many years were you a copper and how many times were you threatened with a knife?
gcol said:
And all that before lunch?
How many years were you a copper and how many times were you threatened with a knife?

It is going on duty knowing it something very un-pleasant may happen as part of a normal working day that make our police deserve the respect of the public.

The one task that Thermo didn't mention is breaking the news to people that some one they love has been killed and will not be coming home ever again.
11 years

lost count of the actual amount of times, but i got three commendations for disarming people with knives, and one for arresting two armed robbers, who were armed and one of whom stabbed a police dog. Ive got a kinked spine from one assault, and had 6 months of hiv tests after being bitten twice in the hand by an hiv sufferer. Not pleasant and that does tend to infringe on your family and married life!

none of the emergency services jobs are easy and i personally dont think they are paid enough. this government has spent the last 10 years changing the work they do and the conditions slowley in a drip drip fashion. Certainly by the time i left non were for the better of either the public or the police. It seems the other services are going the same way but at least they have a union.

As someone has said before there are good and bad in all walks of life, but it ****es me off when people sit back and tar them all with the same brush and say what an easy job it is. It isnt.
bernardgreen said:
It is going on duty knowing it something very un-pleasant may happen as part of a normal working day that make our police deserve the respect of the public.
Sorry Bernard, I thought you were talking about me and the rest of the convenience store workers across the land then! Ever the threat of an armed robbery, shoplifters turning nasty etc.

Back to real life, I do have a lot of respect for the police, but they do need more resources and cash. Dealing with shoplifters by way of "evidence packs" for example. Why cant they send someone straight away and search the area? Like in times gone by . . . :rolleyes:

Most shoplifters wouldnt, if there was the remotest chance of them being caught. They know there isn't, so we're powerless. Theiving scum, makes me sick to have to breathe the same air as them. :(
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