I'm fond of you too markie, and I don't mean you to feel that I see you in the same way as, to pick an extreme example, joe-90, but in this instance I can't help disagreeing with you. I could have said nothing, but I thought by asking I might find that I'd misinterpreted what you'd written, and I still think I might have done.
I don't agree that the people you said were stupid are actually stupid. I think they're dedicated, courageous, noble people who find themselves in a job that suits them and yet without the power to negotiate the remuneration that most of us would like to see them get. This isn't universally true of course; there are bad policemen, and I daresay there are bad nurses, but to describe the entire class of people as stupid because of that single failing seems to me to be (a) wrong, and (b) beneath you.