How not to drive a police vehicle through floods

it annoys me immensely to hear people being so negative about the police as a whole.

This being a DIY forum and meany posters here being tradesmen, how ridiculous would it sound and how annoying would it be to read me slagging off for instance all builders, though it could be joiners, roofers or any one.

We have had a fair amount of shoddy work done on our house, lazy attitudes and attempts at being taken for a ride by trades men.

I do not think that ALL that all tradesmen make promises they dont keep, start a job and then start a dozen others before finishing the first.

I dont think ALL tradesmen quote for using one type of material then slyly use a cheaper one when I have paid for more.

I dont think ALL tradesmen are bogus or cowboys or charge for more than they actually do.

I dont think ALL tradesmen watch my sky tv when they should be working, or go in my bedrooms when they are working in the down stairs toilet, or pee in my outside plants or in containers in the garage or steal my brushes and buckets and other tools they come accross whilst nosing where they shouldnt!

Some do!!!!!!

But how wrong I would be to insult the majority of tradesmen who scorn this type of behaviour.

Also, in a rural area, sometimes the only person on scene at a fatal accident or murder or fire or whatever are the police... for a long time!

A pal is going for a police bravery award soon and whilst there are some tw*** in the police, there are tw*** in every walk of life.

Also, the police can not mouth off like the rest of the us when being slagged off!

I would like the people here who so readily slag off the cops to be put on some tv show in front of the whole country. Give them some scenarios and even some basic training and ask them to make decisions on the 'scenarios' they are given... ha ha ha

How many would keep their cool when faced with irate and impossible people?
how many would pick up the pieces when every other agency closes its doors?
how many would pick up body parts from a road or railway track?

how many would face a dead body rotting?
how many would face a crowd baying for blood?

how many could deal with people with mental health issues yet not have had any training in that field?

yeah so we all get ****ed off with speeding tickets but hey.... that is the tiniest part of their job...give the cops a break.

training??? yeah... the cops train but they have to deal with every and any situation and no training manual in the world can cover nor prepare for every scenario.

The cops cant win if they do and cant win if they dont.
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I find it difficult to say something positive about the police force when met with such negativety (sic?)

Apart from my own incident (already explained), as a small boy my father was a victim of an ignorant and very unclever police officer.

He worked for British Gas and was on call.

Had been working from about 5 am, and 12 hours later reversed into the drive to grab a sandwich my mum had made him and left the van running.

He came in, cuddled me and sis, grabbed his sarnie and went back out to van to continue with call outs. Young family to support an all that.

So, back to the van he goes and van is silent, with no keys in the ignition.

2 hours a panic ensued in the house ensued with no breakdowns being made, call to the board to explain what happened. They were less than impressed as I recall.

Anyway, after 3 hours of so the phone rings to explain the keys had been found...or rather not found but removed by a police officer (as apparently its illegal to leave keys in the ignition if not in attendance of the vehicle.

Now call me narrow minded but maybe at least a quick knock on the door by the tw*t could have avoided this. :mad:

Whilst I dont condone attacks on police officers I never cry over 'spilt milk'

Ooh am I in for it now. :evil:

Softus said:
markie said:
Coppers must be stupid, not for the reasons which have been branded about on here, but for the rubbish they have to put up with from the general public, English or otherwise, they deserve alot more money to police this place.
You seem to be equating being underpaid with being stupid. Do you think the same of nurses?
If nurses are underpaid, what about home carers?
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