I just don't believe Jamelia.

That's a very optimistic view of the world you have.

There's tens of thousands of schools in the UK, I'd be amazed if there aren't a few that employ racist individuals or some that haven't thought through some things that result in them acting in a racist manner.

Of course your right. None of us can speak for others. I share Turbos veiw that it saddens me to think there are still people out there who will treat people diffrent and those full of hate.
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Where does this man fit in.
View attachment 194905

I say him because he's from my town I used to fancy his sister. Mrs Bod used to go to school with him.

I see him interviewed, he was a strong supporter of Brexit. Now I'm not calling him a racist.... but was he because he supported Brexit...

Yes lots voted brexit because they are racist. Yet there are plenty of racist who voted to remain...

Calling Brexit racist has done no end of harm...

Lots voted Brexit because they're racist !!!! Do you know across the whole spectrum of society from millionaires pads to council house no one told me they'd voted because of racism or immigration when the referendum was on !
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no one told me they'd voted because of racism or immigration when the referendum was on !
no one ever thinks they are racist.

many voted for brexit because of 'immigrants':

ask those people, which immigrants:
'do you mean the nurses from the EU'
'do you mean the fruit pickers from Eastern Europe'
'do you mean the chamber maids from Poland'
'do you mean that girl who work sin your local coffee shop'

"oh no, I dont mean those people, Its those 'immigrants' I don't want here'

Brexit in a nutshell
Lots voted Brexit because they're racist !!!! Do you know across the whole spectrum of society from millionaires pads to council house no one told me they'd voted because of racism or immigration when the referendum was on !

I know a few who voted brexit because they are racist. I voted in part because of immigration. Working with a lot of Romanians at the time. Great bunch of lads. They all knew what I voted. Never stopped us going for breakfast or a bear and laughing and chatting together.
Do you miss the chauvinistic '70's? This day and age is what we've got. Just try and keep up is all some folk ask.

Mate I don't know about the 70's I'm a late 80/90's child.

I remember the Steven Lawrence murder and the resounding shock up and down the country that had. I also remember the complete shambles the police handling was of it aswell, and I can say that things have come on leaps and bounds since then.

I'm not black and therefore don't have first hand experience, however I have dealt with had friends who are black and other ethnic minorities.

In fact one friend I had a few years back (we grew apart moved to different areas of the country) was Chinese, I went round his house to help him on his car (was old boy racer days), his dad came out and completely blanked me (I said hello) they then had a heated discussion in Chinese, then his mum came out and completely blanked me again. I asked what that's all about and was told his dad doesn't like white people coming round and he apologized.

I didn't feel ashamed, I felt bad for my mate, and felt sorry for his dad that he felt that way. Though I always wondered that he was quite happy to sell Chinese takeaway to the people he seemingly despised.. but hey.

Anyway back on point, racism is bad I don't believe there is a place for it in society, I don't believe it will ever be completely eradicated. The only way to move forward is work together accept people's opinions and differences and be accepting of each other.
Where have I been hypocritical?

I neither agree nor disagree with what the media, black or white people are saying. I'll take those comments or reports for what they are.
I'm not the one doubting others - you are...

Yet you doubt or make judgement on people you don't know or like.

No diffrent to me really...

Apart from I'm no hypocrit
Yet you doubt or make judgement on people you don't know.
I make assumptions based upon what people post. How else am I supposed to respond? Those same people are free to correct themselves or me for that matter. You need to look up the word hypocrite.

Do you honestly think I dislike you (the person) Bodd? I can only dislike the persona based upon the postings.

How is that hypocritical?

P.S. norcon/roger928/ryler made personal threats to me and was banned for it.
Do you honestly think I dislike you (the person) Bodd? I can only dislike the persona based upon the postings.

I hope not.. I dislike no one on here including your good self.

I agree with you totally. Hence why I think your a hypocrit.
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