I used to watch and enjoy this

After watching the Lone Ranger did you and your friends run around the street slapping your own backsides and shooting each other :LOL:

Yes. :oops:
And did you and your friends all own pen knives or Bowie sheath knives for whittling twigs and lolly sticks, and never dream of stabbing anyone.

Do'nt forget the Cissco Kid and Davey Crockett
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Although in the early 70's Hanibal Hayes and Kid Curry,alias Smith and Jones.
I'm going back to the 1950s when childhood was brilliant. Practically no cars, Paedophiles and drugs had not yet been invented. My friends and I played in the fields and woods all day without a care in the world. It was obligatory to own a penknife, which went everywhere with you, even to school.
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. Practically no cars, Paedophiles and drugs had not yet been invented.
and yet, road deaths were higher then than they are now :eek:

and if you told your mum that you had been molested by a priest, she would probably give you a good hiding for making up wicked lies :mad:
All my friends mam's and dad's, and the neighbour's were refered to as Mr. and Mrs,plus sir name, by us children, never christian names.
When a funeral courtage passed, people stood still and faced it, and males doffed caps.
Everyone I knew had a mother and a father, who they lived with
I'm going back to the 1950s when childhood was brilliant. Practically no cars, Paedophiles and drugs had not yet been invented. .
Yes they had :evil: but they were in the Catholic Church and the Boarding Schools :idea: So for poor white Protestant working class kids like me + my mates, It was great ( 60`s ) ;)
I'm going back to the 1950s when childhood was brilliant. Practically no cars, Paedophiles and drugs had not yet been invented. .
Yes they had :evil: but they were in the Catholic Church and the Boarding Schools :idea: So for poor white Protestant working class kids like me + my mates, It was great ( 60`s ) ;)
I was brought up a strict catholic. Have still got the mental scars, but otherwise physicaly untouched. My prody mates realy envied the extra days holiday we catholics got, for various saints days. ;)
I'm going back to the 1950s when childhood was brilliant. Practically no cars, Paedophiles and drugs had not yet been invented. .
Yes they had :evil: but they were in the Catholic Church and the Boarding Schools :idea: So for poor white Protestant working class kids like me + my mates, It was great ( 60`s ) ;)
Same here but regard myself CofE rather than a protestant,is there difference?I'm from a family of eight we were poor but very happy.
they were, and are, everywhere, but used to be unrecognised and stories swept under the carpet
Have the Monroes been mentioned? Couldn't stick Little House on the Prairie.
I'm going back to the 1950s when childhood was brilliant. Practically no cars, Paedophiles and drugs had not yet been invented. .
Yes they had :evil: but they were in the Catholic Church and the Boarding Schools :idea: So for poor white Protestant working class kids like me + my mates, It was great ( 60`s ) ;)
I was brought up a strict catholic. Have still got the mental scars, but otherwise physicaly untouched. My prody mates realy envied the extra days holiday we catholics got, for various saints days. ;)

Correction to above
Our head was nun, sister Mary Clare. She could realy lay it on with the cane. God is love.
Correction to above
Our head was nun, sister Mary Clare. She could realy lay it on with the cane. God is love.
Lets keep it ontrack its about TV we use to like watching,for those interested tomorrow on TCM at 3pm the first episode of Rawhide is being aired.
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