If you where Mortgage free

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Like all gamblers your telling us about all your wins jp but what is the most you have lost in a day /week/ month and is it possible someone can lose the lot
Those are wrong assertions, the wrong questions.

Of couse it's very different from gambling. Gambling is where you guess which horse is going to run fastest.
You wouldn't call a shopkeeper who orders strange stock for Christmas, a gambler..
The stock market is like a load of parallel escalators all going generally up and at different speeds, in a jittery/lurching way. You choose which one to get on and if you see another going better you move to that. You can always choose to use the one which hardly moves but does it very predictably. Like the tropes say, participate don't anticipate, use the trend.

The simplistic words you use create an illusion. Yes if you were the most self-destructive person you could lose the lot.
It's all about probablilities, so you limit your exposure for when the next covid or bank crisis or war happens - you manage the risk. Covid actualy arrived quite slowly. The reaction to that could be to ask how long before everything gets back to normal, and what's the best way to gain extra from the recovery. When the world financial system collapses, we'll be in all sorts of middens. Nobody will be buying houses either.
Any investments you have, like pensions, are equally weighted across the stock & bond market. Including bitcoin now.

I keep a fixed amount of money in the trading fund and remove profits so I'm back to the same amount in there. It was never more than 2% of my worldly wealth and it has never dropped by more than 25%. I leverage it quite highly. Some days it has gone down by 10 or 20% but that's along with the days where it goes up 50 or 500%. Yes, in a day. So at worst you stop, you limit the falling stuff, and wait until it hits the bottom and decide whether to reinvest. No single stock should be able to make a worrying difference. You didn't have too many Centrica shares did you?
When I started it dropped to about 20% of 2% of my balance sheet total, ie 0.4%. Now the trading fund is far less than 2%.
Very important is to decide your timescales, your amout of work, your reasonably expected risks and gains. I put a lot of time in, and use knowledge to keep the risks down, and be realistic.

A backstop - Ultimately the platform stops you losing all the money you put in, by law, so in fact you can take a very high risk with it. I've never been near the platform warnings.

Definitely, most people lose some, at some point. Most lose it forever. Say that's 90%. So look at what's going on - find out how the brokers profit, how people do unwise things, etc etc.
Decide whether it's a "flutter" - like going to horse races. You do it to play, not in the expectation of a profit.
If you bought antiques at one auction and put them back in, the chance of gaining would be small, though it's there.
Dealers do it all the time. They do it in a way that works.
It's a bit like DIY. You can bring the walls down or blow the place up, like "most people" would if they didn't know enough about what they were doing. If you can't keep yourself to the ones who do good stuff, employ someone else.

That "most people lose money swing trading", is misleading. "Most people" are thick as **** and twice as stupid.
Look again at that FTSE graph. Read that quote above again -
Keep in mind that the vast majority of traders treat it more like gambling. They don’t actually use software to help them make emotionless decisions, they don’t follow sound strategies or principles, and they don’t have the right mindset.
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Those are wrong assertions, the wrong questions.

Of couse it's very different from gambling. Gambling is where you guess which horse is going to run fastest.
You wouldn't call a shopkeeper who orders strange stock for Christmas, a gambler..
The stock market is like a load of parallel escalators all going generally up and at different speeds, in a jittery/lurching way. You choose which one to get on and if you see another going better you move to that. You can always choose to use the one which hardly moves but does it very predictably. Like the tropes say, participate don't anticipate, use the trend.

The simplistic words you use create an illusion. Yes if you were the most self-destructive person you could lose the lot.
It's all about probablilities, so you limit your exposure for when the next covid or bank crisis or war happens - you manage the risk. Covid actualy arrived quite slowly. The reaction to that could be to ask how long before everything gets back to normal, and what's the best way to gain extra from the recovery. When the world financial system collapses, we'll be in all sorts of middens. Nobody will be buying houses either.
Any investments you have, like pensions, are equally weighted across the stock & bond market. Including bitcoin now.

I keep a fixed amount of money in the trading fund and remove profits so I'm back to the same amount in there. It was never more than 2% of my worldly wealth and it has never dropped by more than 25%. I leverage it quite highly. Some days it has gone down by 10 or 20% but that's along with the days where it goes up 50 or 500%. Yes, in a day. So at worst you stop, you limit the falling stuff, and wait until it hits the bottom and decide whether to reinvest. No single stock should be able to make a worrying difference. You didn't have too many Centrica shares did you?
When I started it dropped to about 20% of 2% of my balance sheet total, ie 0.4%. Now the trading fund is far less than 2%.
Very important is to decide your timescales, your amout of work, your reasonably expected risks and gains. I put a lot of time in, and use knowledge to keep the risks down, and be realistic.

A backstop - Ultimately the platform stops you losing all the money you put in, by law, so in fact you can take a very high risk with it. I've never been near the platform warnings.

Definitely, most people lose some, at some point. Most lose it forever. Say that's 90%. So look at what's going on - find out how the brokers profit, how people do unwise things, etc etc.
Decide whether it's a "flutter" - like going to horse races. You do it to play, not in the expectation of a profit.
If you bought antiques at one auction and put them back in, the chance of gaining would be small, though it's there.
Dealers do it all the time. They do it in a way that works.
It's a bit like DIY. You can bring the walls down or blow the place up, like "most people" would if they didn't know enough about what they were doing. If you can't keep yourself to the ones who do good stuff, employ someone else.

That "most people lose money swing trading", is misleading. "Most people" are thick as **** and twice as stupid.
Look again at that FTSE graph. Read that quote above again -
In amongst all those up escalators there is also down escalators which the link by diyfun has put looks like the majority end up on . I have seen over the years people getting caught up in stocks shares winning at first and even giving up their jobs to sit at home and count the money coming and in the end ending worse off.
Amongst other shares yep . Centrica /BG shares yep had tens of thousands of them over the years and made tens of thousands of pounds on them and tens of thousands in divi`s . One of best 7k becoming 45k in 3 years . Also the last 3 years was also a good time to get back into them going from about 30p to 170p .So around 10k going to around 56k but in past 2 months they have dropped again so anyone getting in at 170 has lost a fair bit of money again
In amongst all those up escalators there is also down escalators which the link by diyfun has put looks like the majority end up on
Lack of correct reading & analysis there from gasser. Sounds like you're trying to dis things you won't understand in the trolling way you usually do.
You don't "end up on" anything, you step to a different one. It's free.
Do you advocate behaving inappropriately, like the majority? Don't be in the majority, simples.

Then you go on to say how well you did from Centrica shares. Funny , that. Someone getting in at 170 with a brain, shouldn't have lost much at all. They should have been be out long ago. Dumb money would still be there. Back in when signs are better, maybe. Sticking to names no matter what, is childishly emotional.

We have had a bull market and are now at an all time high, so the numbers you quote are good but not unusual in the market.
Tech and chips were/are way ahead.:

What everyone seems to want to invent is that you "get stuck" in a loser.
You don't.
Why would you?
Not quite accurate, but think of a ratchet. It only turns the direction you want it to, there are only a few degrees of backlash, which you control..
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Lack of correct reading & analysis there from gasser. Sounds like you're trying to dis things you won't understand in the trolling way you usually do.
You don't "end up on" anything, you step to a different one. It's free.
Do you advocate behaving inappropriately, like the majority? Don't be in the majority, simples.

Then you go on to say how well you did from Centrica shares. Funny , that. Someone getting in at 170 with a brain, shouldn't have lost much at all. They should have been be out long ago. Dumb money would still be there. Back in when signs are better, maybe. Sticking to names no matter what, is childishly emotional.
View attachment 334112

We have had a bull market and are now at an all time high, so the numbers you quote are good but not unusual in the market.
Tech and chips were/are way ahead.:
View attachment 334113

What everyone seems to want to invent is that you "get stuck" in a loser.
You don't.
Why would you?
Not quite accurate, but think of a ratchet. It only turns the direction you want it to, there are only a few degrees of backlash, which you control..
Start a thread with the best apps and platforms please.

I’m away for a few days, I’ll have a look into it all when I get back and put a few K into it.

Hopefully track my progress.
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There's a lot in the Stock market trading thread, and some in the pensions thread wot I rote stuff in recently.
Then look at some youtubes about swing trading, if that's what you fancy.
It depends how techy you want to get. You could just print out a graph of the ftse like the above, decide where the uppish end of the channel it's in is, currently, and the bottom end. You could use Trading212 or EToro, because they are free and pay 5% on uninvested cash, which I think is pretty decent. EToro has a good community but the "help" is crap. On any platform, you can use a "practice" platform for simulated trading.
Actually Etoro has things like guaranteed stop losses and trailing stop-losses, which in due course you'll probably like. Not the most fun ETFs though.

If the FTSE isn't good to use when you happen to start, you can use the US S & P 500, which also tends to rise more over time., though maybe not as sinusoidally. You can look at the history of the "Sectors" like chips, information technology, telecomms, financials etc to see what's down a bit - "underweight" relative to the rest. There are plenty of sources for that..
If you have Office 365, Excel can do shares stuff for you automatically (may need a helping App, but it links to the share prices out of the box).

Swing traders often decide something is doing too well and just keep it.
General Electric was one - it was just going relentlessly up for months on end. Still decent. A chip manufacturer might go up 15% every month then drop 20%, which over a year is great but a wild ride.
You can also buy ETF's (like with pensions) which hold a basket of stocks in a sector, which smooths things out.
I promise you, you'll be checking every day for a while and keep wondering about something else.
What I’ve been doing since paying our mortgage off - working part time

Same with me. But not always my choice.
I'm cherry picking my work. I don't want problem jobs.

So I have time on my hands and a few thousand to play with.
Or if preferred.

House is paid for. Start travelling, doing other things you want to do.

Life isn't just money.

I need to work. I have ¹¹&¹² year old girls and a Mrs B that doesn't want to work.

I have fire in my belly I just want to pump up my money for a time when I have had enough.
Well he has. As he has me to deal with his problems.
A friend of ours kept nagging her daughter (who had recently moved out into her own flat) to tax her car as it was due to expire while she was going to be away on holiday. She didn’t and went on holiday. When on holiday she tried to do it online. Couldn’t do it as the mot had run out. Her mum had to drive over to her flat in north London, take the car for mot, it failed on a tyre, she had to go to Kwik-Fit, get a tyre fitted and take it back for the retest. Took her the best part of a day. Meanwhile her daughter posted a picture of herself on Facebook in a beach bar holding up a glass of wine with the caption 'Living my best life'. The mum was f'cking fuming! :ROFLMAO:
A friend of ours kept nagging her daughter (who had recently moved out into her own flat) to tax her car as it was due to expire while she was going to be away on holiday. She didn’t and went on holiday. When on holiday she tried to do it online. Couldn’t do it as the mot had run out. Her mum had to drive over to her flat in north London, take the car for mot, it failed on a tyre, she had to go to Kwik-Fit, get a tyre fitted and take it back for the retest. Took her the best part of a day. Meanwhile her daughter posted a picture of herself on Facebook in a beach bar holding up a glass of wine with the caption 'Living my best life'. The mum was f'cking fuming! :ROFLMAO:

I don't begrudge him. He was a brilliant older brother to me and my younger brother. (Both my eldest brothers where)
He's given me as much as I've given him.

My middle brother who lives in Sprain wouldn't get two minutes of my time.
A friend of ours kept nagging her daughter (who had recently moved out into her own flat) to tax her car as it was due to expire while she was going to be away on holiday. She didn’t and went on holiday. When on holiday she tried to do it online. Couldn’t do it as the mot had run out. Her mum had to drive over to her flat in north London, take the car for mot, it failed on a tyre, she had to go to Kwik-Fit, get a tyre fitted and take it back for the retest. Took her the best part of a day. Meanwhile her daughter posted a picture of herself on Facebook in a beach bar holding up a glass of wine with the caption 'Living my best life'. The mum was f'cking fuming! :ROFLMAO:
I did something similar to my dad when I was a young lad.
I forgot to tax my car and remembered on 01st of the month, while I was on holiday.
Called my dad and asked him to go to the post office to pay the road tax (remember those days?)
In his usual purist and somehow funny manner, he told me I was an adult and he had no time because he was going mushroom picking with the dogs :ROFLMAO:
Fortunately my friend who lived close by was kind enough to collect the keys from my dad and do that for me; he was going on holiday that very afternoon :eek:
@nwgs asked a bit about Swing trading/ investing - a pretty passive way to do a lot better than a building soc.
I put a post in t'other thread

I wouldn't pile in to high tech stocks right now, wait and watch and learn. Some will run and run, but we're at a high so some will drop, maybe a lot. General tech sector should be OK. A falling tide drops all the boats, so if the worst happens we're all stuffed.[/URL]
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