I did get legal advice and won some compensation, but unfortunately I had quite a book of errors and warnings etc and this one was the final straw in their eyes.I hope you took legal advice at the time. That sounds like grounds for disciplinary (written warning etc) not termination. A lawyer could have possibly helped you pull their operational procedures apart along with any checks and balances designed to prevent such mistakes. Or did they pay you off?
No reply necessary if you were compromised out as it would be confidential.
The spanner in the works for all of us is needing care.
I have a relative with a care bill for his wife running to 60k per year. Even with a really good index linked pension, that pretty much wipes him out after tax.
It was a new contract and the end user were 'threatening' to end contract. I never felt like making a big fight out of it and the lawyer (a family friend) said the evidence against me was pretty damning...
But TBH, that place made people sick, the AC was no good. I had digestion issues from the shift work, which took 3 years to subside.
C'est la vie as they say!
PS: I said to the director as a passing comment, that since it was a new channel and the show went out at 11pm, 11 viewers was probably the total viewership!