illegal fugee makes a mint

Freddie said:
Very true but thats your glorious leader for you, and after you knew it was lies you still put him back there again.

You? YOU? who's this YOU? You seem to use this word a lot to accuse particular people of having done something. How do YOU know what I did?

Have you thought, that by the same token, the Muslim "leaders" may be in the same lying club?
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Freddie said:
we certainly wouldnt be on the map

I don't see how you can know whether that would have been a good or a bad thing.
Freddie said:
the latest from a radical muslim countries leader last week Iran but amazingly none of you see that as racist .

The Iranian president addressed a conference and said that the state of Israel should be wiped off the face of the map. You think that no-one on the forum sees that as a racist remark?? Can you name one single person who doesn't see that as racist?

but my view and i havent said death to anybody you think is racist

Racism is about judging people according to their race. If I go up to an Iranian and say that he is a terrorist or a murderer then that is racism. I don't have to threaten to kill him to be a racist.
petewood said:
Freddie said:
we certainly wouldnt be on the map

I don't see how you can know whether that would have been a good or a bad thing.

Yes Petewood very good constuctive point for instance if Adolf had won no way would you have the loonyleft or anything like that.
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petewood said:
Freddie said:
the latest from a radical muslim countries leader last week Iran but amazingly none of you see that as racist .

The Iranian president addressed a conference and said that the state of Israel should be wiped off the face of the map. You think that no-one on the forum sees that as a racist remark?? Can you name one single person who doesn't see that as racist?

but my view and i havent said death to anybody you think is racist

Racism is about judging people according to their race. If I go up to an Iranian and say that he is a terrorist or a murderer then that is racism. I don't have to threaten to kill him to be a racist.

All i actually said on this matter was that after a few months ago's events i would never help a muslim again and would relish the fact if they returned back to one of those muslim countries and you see none of that is actually racist but you get the usual accusastions and comments in a hope of making you shut up.

Now we are even going to condemn Britains history and say sorry and be punished for all that stuff aswell---usual loony left idealistic nonsense
Everyones entitled to their views arnt they, and theres those that believe this country lets in too many, of which Im one, and theres those who disagree.

Im not a racist, in fact my best mate is black, I use the term black rather than coloured, because we are all coloured, but that doent mean that I want to let in more and more fugees that are bleeding us dry. Thats whats happening. Their religious beliefs are irrelevant. If we let someone in, we should ensure they are not a risk to us and if they are, then we dont let them in.

At the moment, I think, we have a reputation that we let everyone and anyone in and thats why everyone comes here. As far as Im concerned, we should be getting all the illegals out, making sure the people left are not a threat, and stop letting anyone else in until all our own problems are sorted out. And I reckon an awful lot of people share similar views.
oilman said:
Freddie said:

That is almost treason and its disgusting.

Then stop spouting it.

from your posts its obvious your the one on the SIDE of an islamic state are you muslim sounds like it to me

as for racisim F*** yes i am now officially a racisit IF that means i would kick all those that practice the religion based on islamic views , why not they come here and want us to change when we all know we wont change

we need a politician to stand up and tell it like it is BRITAIN will never integrate never GHETTOS are becoming the norm

on tyneside we have more GHETTOS than u can shake a stick at we have the jewish GHETTO in gateshead pakistains in FENHAM loads of fugeeees in BENWELL all GHETTOS if you think differently try walking around them at sunset see how you do

oilman who are the traitors ? the ones against islam or the ones for it and yes it is as simple as that give me a yes or no answer and we will know whos side your own ( sides as in cowboys and indians )
If you wonder what Muslims are thinking about the UK - have a look at this site.

BTW did you know that if an asylum seeker with AIDS makes his way to the UK that he cannot be sent back again - even if proven a fake? We have to keep him alive and provide for him for the rest of his life. We have to give him drugs to repress his illness during which time he can go out and spread the disease to all and sundry. Isn't it time this state of affairs was repealed (human rights legislation).

Freddie said:
................Now we are even going to condemn Britains history and say sorry and be punished for all that stuff aswell---usual loony left idealistic nonsense........

Wonder who it was that was carping about the Japanese and "all that stuff" a few weeks ago?

Slogger said:
oilman who are the traitors ?.........

I thought you already knew. If you don't, have a word with Freddie.

Slogger said:
.........the ones against islam or the ones for it and yes it is as simple as that give me a yes or no answer and we will know whos side your own ( sides as in cowboys and indians )

Cowboys and Indians? That is cowboys - the Europeans, like English, Irish, Scottish, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch etc. etc. who went to the other side of the Atlantic and attempted genocide on the native population. A noble and worthy sphincter.
The original theme of this thread was to do with ripping off the benefits system. For some months I have been sorting out my father's affairs regarding his pension, council tax, etc. The inland revenue have been ripping him off since he retired by failing to apply the correct tax code. The council have been over-charging council tax and the pension service have also failed him.

He worked from age 15 to 65 and yet is treated shockingly. Another issue brought up on here is one of identity. To resolve a number of issues I have to verify my father's identity and this is proving incredibly difficult. He does not travel so has no passport, he no longer has a driving licence as he surrendered it when he turned 70, he has no credit / debit cards.

Despite paying into the system for fifty years he is now neglected and disowned by the system. How can those who have no papers, no identity, no contributions be 'entitled' to so much more than people such as my father?????
dg123 said:
............How can those who have no papers, no identity, no contributions be 'entitled' to so much more than people such as my father?????

Did they have no papers? no identity?

There are plenty of native people who are ripping off the system, I seem to recall saying earlier, you don't have to be foreign to do it. There are plenty of problems, but a zenophobic approach is not going to solve it.
oilman said:
dg123 said:
............How can those who have no papers, no identity, no contributions be 'entitled' to so much more than people such as my father?????

Did they have no papers? no identity?

There are plenty of native people who are ripping off the system, I seem to recall saying earlier, you don't have to be foreign to do it. There are plenty of problems, but a zenophobic approach is not going to solve it.

Where have I stated it is exclusively foreigners?

BTW it's xenophobic - which I am not.
dg123 said:
Where have I stated it is exclusively foreigners?

BTW it's xenophobic - which I am not.

Fair enough, you haven't stated it was exclusively foreigners, but that was the subject of the original post, which you referred to.

Slap wrist, silly me, can't spell, (I just hope I don't catch you out) :D.

I did not say you were zeno..oops xenophobic (bet the yanks use a z), but there is plenty of it on this thread.
oilman said:
Freddie said:
................Now we are even going to condemn Britains history and say sorry and be punished for all that stuff aswell---usual loony left idealistic nonsense........

Wonder who it was that was carping about the Japanese and "all that stuff" a few weeks ago?

Dont know what you mean here Oilman? I am not referring to Britain doing any wrong doing more fighting oppresion and those who wish to destroy Britain i.e Germany --Japan etc
oilman said:
dg123 said:
Where have I stated it is exclusively foreigners?

BTW it's xenophobic - which I am not.

Fair enough, you haven't stated it was exclusively foreigners, but that was the subject of the original post, which you referred to.

Slap wrist, silly me, can't spell, (I just hope I don't catch you out) :D.

I did not say you were zeno..oops xenophobic (bet the yanks use a z), but there is plenty of it on this thread.

I took the subject of the post as ripping off the benefits system and the lack of verification of the claimants - the origin / colour / religion of those engaged in this pass me by.

I am bloody angry with the situation that I am trying to resolve and with the lack of assistance (from the relevant authorities) in trying to resolve it, whereas, there are daily reports of incidents such as that which prompted this thread.

The rules in this country are beyond my comprehension.
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