Illegal immigrant criminal arrested

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How did he expect to get away not disclosing his previous convictions.
He must know that as a high profile activist, he will be under constant surveillance by the authorities.
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It's quite possible to be concerned about immigration, but not be misled by Yaxley or farage
Which is why it's more than frustrating that western governments haven't done more to tackle it. Gives folk like this a route in.
No matter what you do to block immigration there will always be a Yaxley Lennon or Farage demanding more.

Accept that immigration happens and is a good thing and make sure that you manage it properly.

Apart from the racist monobrows most people don't care if an immigrant moves in next door, but everyone cares if there aren't enough school places, GP appointments, affordable houses, jobs or social services resources to manage additional people in an area. If you fail on those everyone blames immigrants, even when there aren't any around.
Apart from the racist monobrows most people don't care if an immigrant moves in next door, but everyone cares if there aren't enough school places, GP appointments, affordable houses, jobs or social services resources to manage additional people in an area. If you fail on those everyone blames immigrants, even when there aren't any around.

But if the immigrant moves in next door, he's driving the unaffordability of housing in UK. :idea::idea:

Unless you know where we have abundant empty housing available for affordable rent and prices. Please don't keep it a secret, prey tell where the it is.?? And some joined up thinking might be nice for a change.
But if the immigrant moves in next door, he's driving the unaffordability of housing in UK. :idea::idea:

Unless you know where we have abundant empty housing available for affordable rent and prices. Please don't keep it a secret, prey tell where the it is.?? And some joined up thinking might be nice for a change.
I thought 1 of the complaints about the immigrants coming over for the jobs was how they were mass sharing houses, actually keeping more houses free for others.

But if they are buying or renting a house it then comes down to a shortage of houses. Haven't we covered that before though?
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