I'm Hungry Again

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I've got half a pyrex dish of Bolognese sauce to eat shortly with a few wholemeal barm cakes. :D
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I'd like to know why veggie food suppliers see fit to make, veggie sausages, veggie burgers etc. All with a real meat texture and similar taste?
Because some people don't eat meat as a principle, not because they don't like the taste/texture. Some people just flat out don't like meat and I expect that they don't buy many packs of pretend bacon.... ;)

Not only that, burgers and sausages are filled with gristle and 'face meat'. You'd NEVER eat them if you saw what went into them. I prefer Quorn.
On clearing out the freezer I found some Tesco pancakes. I tried one and if your hungry you can have the rest. But I'll have to dig them out of the bin, if that's all right. :D
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