your point being ?
That we had no input into anything, but may be affected by some for import and export or similar ?
My point is as per the post
The word “May” in your post may be relevant
your point being ?
That we had no input into anything, but may be affected by some for import and export or similar ?
My point is as per the post
The word “May” in your post may be relevant
I have no idea what all the new regs rules and directives are about, have you?My point is as per the post
The word “May” in your post may be relevant
Novel idea would be to get kids to leave school and go straight into work instead of stuck with their finger up their ar*e in colleges and universities
The main problem is zero growth and by the look of it not reaching pre covid levels. I think house building figures in economy calculations.I think the economy is in a lot better shape than the media gives credit for.
And that may push gov handouts up? It's ok to say people don't need them etc but that is not true.Working tax credits went to a pretty clear group of people. UC ???? no info so far on what goes where or why.That is pushing rents up.
Not so sure about that. The BofE noticed an increase in bank deposits. They were not sure that people would spend it. It could be argued that they could have dished less out to avoid that but it probably has aided in recovery as people in the end haven't found themselves short and could start spending immediately. Rather than thinking they are idiots bear in mind that this aspect may have been part of the thought process. I'd say that is likely and also that to some extent they could carry on spending anyway helping the economy during lockdown. their sector of it anyway. The other parts are bound to suffer as less going on.On reflection it's clear the government over stimulated the economy by protecting people from lockdown. They would have been criticised either way.