IMF predicting UK the worse performing economy according to the news..

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My point is as per the post

The word “May” in your post may be relevant
I have no idea what all the new regs rules and directives are about, have you?

But I am fairly sure that if they affect imports and exports there will be a cost to us for them. But we had no say in them or how they affect us, so you can't complain about them surely?

We are not part of the EU anymore so they do what they do, and we do what we do. Just at a cost, because I am quite confident our interests were not high on their concerns.
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Maybe people should stop watching television and reading the newspaper so much.
I have stopped reading newspapers like the Daily Mail for health reasons.
All the outraged indignation generated by endless headlines about illegal immigrants living the life of Reilly in 5 star hotels was giving me heart palpitations.
Watching television news was just as bad, the BBC obsession with Russia and the relentless negativity about Brexit and its alleged effect on the economy i found depressing.
Since i cut down on my news consumption, i now realise that the economy is doing a lot better than the news media claims.
I went a mechanic to get my car serviced, but he can't fit me in until well into next month and he is only doing it because he knows me.
My daughter found it difficult to get a plasterer to carry out work on her rental property, hard to find electricians as well.
New Housing is popping up everywhere.
I think the economy is in a lot better shape than the media gives credit for.
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They'll be handsomely paid then and not have their wages driven down by an over subscribed labour force.
Novel idea would be to get kids to leave school and go straight into work instead of stuck with their finger up their ar*e in colleges and universities.
I think the economy is in a lot better shape than the media gives credit for.
The main problem is zero growth and by the look of it not reaching pre covid levels. I think house building figures in economy calculations.

There is mention of a big increase in people being evicted from rented property. One mentioned in detail because the landlord wants to sell it. Others pass. % having problems - pass. In some areas people are having to offer to pay a higher rent than asked for to get a place to live in.

Increases in mortgage rates. Gov bail out for people affected? It's not a bottomless pit. Landlords sometimes go broke when this happens. Increase rent to cope - can tenants afford it?

We wont know how the ecconomy is really doing this year for a while. Several months are really needed. Report s are on last year.

Being a cynic I recollect a Tory comment in MrsT's time. Can't run an economy by selling hamburgers to each other. Houses instead? Hair dresser, cafe's, nail parlours. Many others could be added even retail shops.

Not much is being said about the service sector growth or lack of it.

Disturbing times but there isn't much many can do about it.
There are a number of conflicting issues affecting the housing market. Property prices are set to fall and at the same time, legislation is getting more onerous for landlords. We also have Mortgaged BTL landlords who are getting squeezed with rate rises. Then on the other hand we have a squeeze in mortgage offers preventing people from moving out of rented in to mortgaged. That is pushing rents up.
That is pushing rents up.
And that may push gov handouts up? It's ok to say people don't need them etc but that is not true.Working tax credits went to a pretty clear group of people. UC ???? no info so far on what goes where or why.
The report on the economy - good news as we didn't go into recession, last year but showed next to no increase after the initial rapid rise. That due to how low we sunk. Lockdown payouts to people will have helped with that. Not sure what loans to business will do.
On reflection it's clear the government over stimulated the economy by protecting people from lockdown. They would have been criticised either way.
On reflection it's clear the government over stimulated the economy by protecting people from lockdown. They would have been criticised either way.
Not so sure about that. The BofE noticed an increase in bank deposits. They were not sure that people would spend it. It could be argued that they could have dished less out to avoid that but it probably has aided in recovery as people in the end haven't found themselves short and could start spending immediately. Rather than thinking they are idiots bear in mind that this aspect may have been part of the thought process. I'd say that is likely and also that to some extent they could carry on spending anyway helping the economy during lockdown. their sector of it anyway. The other parts are bound to suffer as less going on.

Business loans - not much said recently but concern about paying them back and also rental relief. Not an area I know much about but some businesses did mention problems in this area. A while ago now.
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