IMF predicting UK the worse performing economy according to the news..

It has very little to do with how much coastline you have. Greece for example has more coast and territorial water, but it's deep. Plenty of countries in Europe have high suitability (France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Netherlands), but they have been perhaps too reliant on or distracted by other strategies. If you have a large mountainous country you don't have to have them off-shore.
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The report said how much Britain was outstripping it's European friends in the wind department.
Maybe you ought to tell us who owns most of the wind farm technology/production for the UK wind farms?

(hint, it's not the UK)

And could you tell us who is a major beneficiary of those based offshore?

(Hint, its charlie boy and no doubt he had a word in a few ears to prevent onshore wind farms on land the 'firm' didn't 'own').

But maybe we should be harnessing another huge alternative energy supply - your endless supply of hot air!
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Do some people seriously believe the garbage that this miserable country's woes are all down to... being a member of the EU?

Yes, some dummies were stupid enough to believe the nonsense spouted by liars like Johnson, Farage and Mogg.

Not so many as there used to be, though.

You'd better get someone to read your link to you.
Ridiculous to believe all those who voted leave are dummies. I don't even think it divides by political lines.

Any credible argument either way has to first accept that there were advantages and disadvantages to both options. My guess is most voters were probably very close to being on the fence and came down one way or another on a marginal decision.

Had Cameron come back with a better deal - I'd have been a remainer.
Ridiculous to believe all those who voted leave are dummies

But not at all ridiculous to believe that

"some dummies were stupid enough to believe the nonsense spouted by liars like Johnson, Farage and Mogg."

Which is what I actually said.

Maybe you didn't read it

Or maybe you find it easier to argue with a strawman of your own invention.
It's not something you can prove or present evidence on. Just as you can't prove leavers were less educated or older, or fatter etc.
It's not something you can prove or present evidence on. Just as you can't prove leavers were less educated or older, or fatter etc.

Although it's easy enough to present evidence that remainers are on the whole more bitter than leavers.
But not at all ridiculous to believe that

"some dummies were stupid enough to believe the nonsense spouted by liars like Johnson, Farage and Mogg."

Which is what I actually said.

Maybe you didn't read it

Or maybe you find it easier to argue with a strawman of your own invention.
The master of simplistic assumptions embarasses himself with his words of wisdom again.

I heard all the garbage spouted by both sides. I laughed at the big bus. Then I voted Leave as it seemed like the best option, based on the issues.

But... after all the arguments we, as a nation, decided to leave. It's amazing that some just can't get their heads around this, even after all this time. It's how democracy works - you often don't agree with the outcome but you don't spit your dummy out and have a tantrum for 6 years, you just accept the outcome and make the best of it. Will all this boring debate still be intruding into every discussion in another 6 years, or another 60?
We really should end this concept of "crown land". it should belong to the state. But then someone would come up with the idea of a mayor of the seabed and they would create an Ultra low electric zone and tax wind turbines.
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