You may consider my thoughts right wing which is fair enough, I would welcome you thoughts on how we will continue paying these burdens and remain competitive in the world?
I don't have time and I'm not clever enough to answer these problems, I pay politicians to do all this for me and if one lot doesn't get it right I can vote for another.
the present minorities who are here that I have no problem with except that they should learn our language to aid integration.
I think it might make their lives easier to learn our language but I don't think it should be compulsory after all look at all the brits abroad that don't speak the lingo, go to spain on holiday and you see signs advertising "english breakfast"and "under english management would you insist that if I moved to spain I must learn spanish?
The stopping of benefits to all (newly arriving)foreigners until they have worked a qualifying period to discourage further burdens and any cheats.
I don't have too much of a problem with this but it may encourage them to turn to a life of crime ? (just playing devils advocate.)
Unmarried single mums cheating the system, every pregnant girl cheats someone on the waiting list and no I would not take it out the children. Would you except state nurseries so these girls can get a job and pay rent instead of free flats and social? This would also stop the need for immigrants doing mundane jobs too.What I am saying is if we didn't pay these people for nothing they wouldn't do it as much. These pregnancies(in the main) are not accidents or mistakes.
I don't know anything about this subject but i just seems your picking on the venerable.but if you say its a problem then I agree that these girls should be helped, how,s about education?
PC is a rubbish intrusion on normal words and deeds which is forced on the public by people with nothing better to do.
whats pc ? I don't think it really exists I've not experenced it in my everyday life, its probarbly invented by the media.
CRE and EOC and proven biased Quango's, like all Quango's they are unelected and unrepresentative. All of these should be scrapped and if they have a genuine function(which in most cases I doubt) they should be taken over by elected people.
not sure but I think I know what you mean and if so I agree and I'd get rid of all those "wots" like offwot they get paid to protect us from being exploited from all these privatised companys but don't do bugger all.
Public admin staff, these are increasing in vast numbers, go in any public building and see for yourself. The vast majority I have dealt with are very unhelpful in their attitude. They forget we are paying them and their priorities need an urgent overhall. You can read elsewhere about their pensions which we can't afford. Pay them off,retrain them in areas where we are short and this will also reduce our dependency on foreigners.
I agree fully but you still manage to have a little jab at foreigners maybe I should take back racist and say xenophobic.?
My opinions on the EU are true and shared by many people.
I know that but my opinions on the EU are also true and shared by many people.
Most people would agree that all politicians are in it for themselves.
you know I agree with that one my god! we're almost related!!
The NHS (and therefore us) are being robbed blind by so called health tourists.
I don't know about this but as your wife works in that industry I'll bow to your superior knowledge on the subject.
I make that 9 points, 2 of which concern ethnicity and 7 that don't, so why do you say my comments contain racist innuendo?
maybe you don't know you do it but theres often an undelying element of it in your posts but maybe it more xenophobic. maybe I'm over sensitive to it.
I think your idea,s are taking apart the building blocks of our civilisation that sets us apart, from Barbarism and dare I say foreigners!!
You may consider my thoughts right wing which is fair enough, I would welcome you thoughts on how we will continue paying these burdens and remain competitive in the world?
as I already said I pay people to do this.
we are still one of the richest countrys in the world, we all benefit from that wealth and should be proud.