Immigration and the tories

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richardp....To quote, first copy and paste the part, then highlight and press quote.

With respect you are totally confusing racism with realism and furthermore
I don't wont to be PM why are you being sarcastic
How else could I put it? you would have to be in such a position do anything.

You mentioned food what about housing and the NHS? and what about this.
The whole lot of it has racist innuendo
Much of what I said didn't even involve race. By all means make comments but surely you should back them up? I respect your point of view and your good intentions but find them idealistic and unrealistic. We can't change or feed the world, we have mounting problems of our own.

kevin is not causing trouble but by the same token he can ignore this topic if he wants.Some of my comments are about the genuine concerns of many people, including many minorities. They don't belong in the boxing ring because I am not fighting or being emotive here.
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sorry Kevin I didnt mean it to sound as strongly as it did.

Dave I'm not as articulate as some so will have to take this slower,

"I would also include our own teenage mums on housing benefit." what about the baby's and children of these mums?

Well what about them then? the fathers should accept their responsibilty get a job and pay for them why should we? We all know they do it on purpose to get a council flat and live on the social as long as possible. Contraception is freely available there is no excuse. If you adopted this policy the numbers would plummet. Do we still have the highest number of teenage single mothers in Europe and maybe the civilised world?

I'm abit worried about this bit,these children are totally innocent. do you not think that they should be supported ?

(I'm abit surprised you've brought single Mums into this.)
richard...please do not take anything I say in a personal because I don't mean it that way. I mentioned the following points amongst others.
1. the present minorities who are here that I have no problem with except that they should learn our langauge to aid integration.
2. The stopping of benefits to all (newly arriving)foreigners until they have worked a qualifying period to discourage further burdens and any cheats.
3. Unmarried single mums cheating the system, every pregnant girl cheats someone on the waiting list and no I would not take it out the children. Would you except state nurseries so these girls can get a job and pay rent instead of free flats and social? This would also stop the need for immigrants doing mundane jobs too.What I am saying is if we didn't pay these people for nothing they wouldn't do it as much. These pregnancies(in the main) are not accidents or mistakes.
4. PC is a rubbish intrusion on normal words and deeds which is forced on the public by people with nothing better to do.
5. CRE and EOC and proven biased Quango's, like all Quango's they are unelected and unrepresentative. All of these should be scrapped and if they have a genuine function(which in most cases I doubt) they should be taken over by elected people.
6.Public admin staff, these are increasing in vast numbers, go in any public building and see for yourself. The vast majority I have dealt with are very unhelpful in their attitude. They forget we are paying them and their priorities need an urgent overhall. You can read elsewhere about their pensions which we can't afford. Pay them off,retrain them in areas where we are short and this will also reduce our dependency on foreigners.
7.My opinions on the EU are true and shared by many people.
8. Most people would agree that all politicians are in it for themselves.
9. The NHS (and therefore us) are being robbed blind by so called health tourists.

I make that 9 points, 2 of which concern ethnicity and 7 that don't, so why do you say my comments contain racist innuendo?

My real intention is in fact to draw your attention to some of the areas I believe are draining our resources. The long suffering taxpayer has had enough of it, we can't afford it anymore there as to be limit to what we can pay. Why do some people bury their heads in the sand? the stirings and rumblings are plain to see, do the Gov want public unrest before they will listen?

You may consider my thoughts right wing which is fair enough, I would welcome you thoughts on how we will continue paying these burdens and remain competitive in the world?
You may consider my thoughts right wing which is fair enough, I would welcome you thoughts on how we will continue paying these burdens and remain competitive in the world?
I don't have time and I'm not clever enough to answer these problems, I pay politicians to do all this for me and if one lot doesn't get it right I can vote for another.
the present minorities who are here that I have no problem with except that they should learn our language to aid integration.
I think it might make their lives easier to learn our language but I don't think it should be compulsory after all look at all the brits abroad that don't speak the lingo, go to spain on holiday and you see signs advertising "english breakfast"and "under english management would you insist that if I moved to spain I must learn spanish?
The stopping of benefits to all (newly arriving)foreigners until they have worked a qualifying period to discourage further burdens and any cheats.
I don't have too much of a problem with this but it may encourage them to turn to a life of crime ? (just playing devils advocate.)
Unmarried single mums cheating the system, every pregnant girl cheats someone on the waiting list and no I would not take it out the children. Would you except state nurseries so these girls can get a job and pay rent instead of free flats and social? This would also stop the need for immigrants doing mundane jobs too.What I am saying is if we didn't pay these people for nothing they wouldn't do it as much. These pregnancies(in the main) are not accidents or mistakes.
I don't know anything about this subject but i just seems your picking on the venerable.but if you say its a problem then I agree that these girls should be helped, how,s about education?
PC is a rubbish intrusion on normal words and deeds which is forced on the public by people with nothing better to do.
whats pc ? I don't think it really exists I've not experenced it in my everyday life, its probarbly invented by the media.
CRE and EOC and proven biased Quango's, like all Quango's they are unelected and unrepresentative. All of these should be scrapped and if they have a genuine function(which in most cases I doubt) they should be taken over by elected people.
not sure but I think I know what you mean and if so I agree and I'd get rid of all those "wots" like offwot they get paid to protect us from being exploited from all these privatised companys but don't do bugger all.

Public admin staff, these are increasing in vast numbers, go in any public building and see for yourself. The vast majority I have dealt with are very unhelpful in their attitude. They forget we are paying them and their priorities need an urgent overhall. You can read elsewhere about their pensions which we can't afford. Pay them off,retrain them in areas where we are short and this will also reduce our dependency on foreigners.
I agree fully but you still manage to have a little jab at foreigners maybe I should take back racist and say xenophobic.?
My opinions on the EU are true and shared by many people.
I know that but my opinions on the EU are also true and shared by many people.
Most people would agree that all politicians are in it for themselves.
you know I agree with that one my god! we're almost related!!
The NHS (and therefore us) are being robbed blind by so called health tourists.
I don't know about this but as your wife works in that industry I'll bow to your superior knowledge on the subject.

I make that 9 points, 2 of which concern ethnicity and 7 that don't, so why do you say my comments contain racist innuendo?
maybe you don't know you do it but theres often an undelying element of it in your posts but maybe it more xenophobic. maybe I'm over sensitive to it.
I think your idea,s are taking apart the building blocks of our civilisation that sets us apart, from Barbarism and dare I say foreigners!!
You may consider my thoughts right wing which is fair enough, I would welcome you thoughts on how we will continue paying these burdens and remain competitive in the world?
as I already said I pay people to do this.
we are still one of the richest countrys in the world, we all benefit from that wealth and should be proud.
Richardp said:
we are still one of the richest countrys in the world, we all benefit from that wealth and should be proud.
Yes you're right, what get me is that the poorer countries have no waiting lists and a better quality hospital treatment. What the point of being a rich country when people are dying unnecessary?

I don't think even the politician know the answer to this or the government knows they are not in power long enough not to worry about it.
I know you've been let down by our health service masona but we are a minority that have access the a health service, most people in the world have none not even medicine.
What I'm really saying is, if the poorer countries can run the health service then why can't we?

I'm not expecting you to know the answer to this one :)
Well yes your right maybe its what david was on about with money being wasted on the wrong people. :(
Richard,do you live in a tent or a cave on the moors or something? You know nothing about teenage mums, health tourists and PC was created by the media? I presume you are taking the p**s which is a shame because I expected a more intelligent response, but at least we know you have no answers.

Regarding the Brits in Spain, you are referring to tacky resorts. I know a few people who have lived and worked in Spain and every single one of them has learned to speak enough Spanish to get by. Benefit forms would not be written in English because there is no need, we probably wouldn't get anything and pay our way anyway.

Tell me Richard, we are part of the EU, so why are no major European langauges displayed on benefit notices in public buildings? If the immigrants come here to work why do we publish forms in Asian and employ translators etc at major benefit offices?

Slogger may be a bit brutal and truthful for you, but he's got a damn site more idea on some points(I disagree with any violence). You don't like it because he is not PC.
Richard,do you live in a tent or a cave on the moors or something? You know nothing about teenage mums, health tourists and PC was created by the media? I presume you are taking the p**s which is a shame because I expected a more intelligent response, but at least we know you have no answers.
Dave why have you suddenly got uptight with me? I disagree with you about Brits in Spain,I have first hand knowledge of the subject, my inlaws live in spain they speak no spanish and only mix with other brits, there are clubs for ex pats and pubs,restaurants, shops that advertise british goods and even whole communitys have grown up there (if they was in this country and black we would call them gettos).
you can't just put teenage mums out on the streets, if there is a problem then its one that we have created and we should put it right, that can only be done in time and the best way would be to educate them so that their children don't grow up with the same values making the same mistakes, its not nice to just discard people cos they don't conform to your ideals, I would'nt do that to you dave just cos your different.
whats all this about slogger
You don't like it because he is not PC
I never mentioned him, i,ve never spoke with him I think he posted something about shooting people and I said "spoken like a true blue tory!!which was said in jest, , obviously I know you wouldn't really go round murdering people.I hope you don't think I thought you would agree with it. do you believe in "love they neighbour"? ok so you don't like my responce, "never the twain shall meet"how's about we celebrate our differences?
Yes I know what an ex-pats club is and I am aware that Spanish businesses (some British owned) are catering for the demand created by our spending money there and yes they tend to be in tourist and ex-pat enclaves or Ghetto's if you prefer.We have made some Spanish very wealthy out of our property buying there. Spain is a very large country though, outside the above area's the main language is Spanish and you would need to learn it to live there. Ask your relatives if benefit forms are available in English or Asian and do any of them get free housing.

you can't just put teenage mums out on the streets

I didn't say that I said put the kids in state nurseries and send the mothers to work to pay for their own flats and discourage their getting pregnant on purpose. These people are more educated and streetwise than you seem to think.

Sorry if I missed the joke in this.
spoken like a true blue tory!!
I still can't see the joke and don't recall any Tories suggesting muslims be shot. (I do remember Bliar being jointly responsible for it in Iraq though)

"never the twain shall meet"how's about we celebrate our differences?

If we did as I said and banned any more of them, then I was found to be wrong, I could rectify my mistake. If we did as you wish and you were found to be wrong what would you do?
? so do we still let them in here ( fugees ) when they have past friendly countries to get here ie france and germany to name 2

do as the aussies do and close the door on them no matter what there problems are ( we have our own )

or do u really think britain will be a better place with another million or 5 more fugees

close the door now and weld it shut i dont want them near me do u

do you really think there isnt a hidden agenda on the table
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