Immigration and the tories

This is for Dave of david and julie
you know my feelings on this as I know yours so I'm not going to slag you off for your beliefs, or try to trick you or catch you out on your previous posts, I honestly am interested in your views, what would you do about immigrants coming into the country and the ones already here. ..............(anyone else with any smart remarks go suck eggs for a while)
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Sorry to butt in Richardp,

Where do we draw the line?

How many more can come into this country?

Is it until they bled us dry?

If we has a NHS, police force and so on then it's not a problem. BUT we do have a problem :!:

Who will say enough is enough and when:?:
Yes I know thats how you feel about it masona but what do you think we should do about it, thats what interests me.
ok i was on my high horse on the shooting bit i stand by it still in the right areas as most of these refugees are young male/ agressive/financialy motivated heres a true story
i work for myself i am white ( can i say proud to be british ) ok i was talking to a customer of mine who is asian ( bangladash ) he has his own fastfood shop . we got talking about immigration ?? he was in no doubt as to what we need to do as he has been on the recieving end of bad REFUGEES and by bad i mean we are talking GANSTERS they are mainly from turkey and or poland
they have made threats to this man telling him in no uncertain terms how to stop certain things from happening ( INSURANCE ) if he wont play ball he loses this asian man has now got to make a decision does he play ball ( PROTECTION ) or does he take a stand .
do u lot seriously think this doesnt happen i have known this bloke for a number of years now and he will take the law into his own hands as he know the ( LAW ) police cant be everywhere this is only one of an incident that is happening all over the country FUGEES are forming into gangs ask any metropolitan police officer

i live in the north east of england and it is happening openly here i for one recommened a few options to my asian friend ( yes he is a pal ) my hatred and spite is saved for the ones that take me on
3 years ago my son was attacked in the town on a night out and yes it was a group of FUGEES no one helped as they where too many i got there too late to DO THEM as u can bet i would have luckily my sons pride was hurt mone than his health


if i have to i will vote NF or BNP in if they are the only ones that will stop this and no i am not a NATZI and my favourite film isnt ZULU

wheres batman when u need him i will tell u he is waiting and watching and i know of 100s of us that wont take any more crap do u know any

repatriation is the only way i mean why r they here and not in france or germany why pass friendly countries ? THINK ABOUT IT we are an easy touch

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I don't blame people for wanting a better life. Human nature dictates that you will seek the best deal for yourself and your family. So, people will migrate to find the best life for themselves. Migration at all levels is a purely selfish act, no-one thinks "This will benefit the economy", or "this country really needs people like me.".

If I were to get a job abroad and move, it would be because they had offered me more money, or a comparitively better standard of living. Not because I felt I had something amazing to offer their country. But, they would be looking at me and thinking "Hey, Adam can bring us a skill we want more of!"

It is in our very instincts to migrate.

However, what we are seeing is a movement towards the lowest-common-denominator, instead of gaining synergy from bringing in fresh blood. We aren't bringing in people who are really offering us much in return for what we are giving them. I am sure that people would be far more comfortable about immigration if it brought tangible benefits.

Now, what to do about it? Is it difficult? I don't think it is, to be honest:

1) Immediately bring in a policy of immigration to meet requirements. That means rejecting the requests of people who can't offer us immediate benefit. There have been moves towards this already, in fact don't all people entering with the intention of working have to pass an English test (even Aussies, Canadians, Kiwis etc!)

2) Anyone who wishes to remain here must have secured a job contract AND a home BEFORE they are allowed in.

3) Hault the ingress of asylum seekers until all those in the queue have been processed.

4) Asylum status granted only to those in immediate danger. Greater cooperation between the Home Office and the FCO in order to decide if they really are in danger

5) Asylum automatically refused for anyone CONVICTED of or awaiting trial for a crime that would have been a crime in the UK, all other crimes considered on a case-by-case basis. "Unsuitable" punishments for a conviction are NOT reason for asylum. This would mean we could take in "political prisoners", but not rapists and murderers.

6) Turn people away at the borders. Armed guards at the French-end of the tunnel, for instance.

Now I understand a lot of this is already done, we just need to actually apply the rules! :LOL:
AdamW said:
I don't blame people for wanting a better life etc....................need to actually apply the rules! :LOL:
OK Adam thats the easy bit very articulately put, I assume that is to start immediately? and what do you want to do with those already here?
I would leave the ones already here alone because there is no point in a witch hunt. For any others,I would stop any benefits of any kind(including legal aid) to anybody who was not born here or as worked here for at least five years. To avoid favourtism I would also include our own teenage mums on housing benefit. I would outlaw the teaching of any language other than English, except as a second language, then change all official literature to English.To help the ones here I would phase this in and offer English lessons. There is no justification for teaching a foreign language if somebody genuinely intends integrating. Some of these people have been here decades and can't speak English.I would scrap and outlaw the whole race relations and equal opportunities industries, they are biased, scrounging, sham, troublecausing organisations. I would charge health service tourists of all nationalities the going rate for treatment. I would introduce proper inspectors and tour all suspected employers of illegal labour. Anybody found employing them must be paying them cash, so they too are conning the economy, I would warn them once and then shut them down and deport them if they are foreign. I would outlaw all PC nonsense and only allow correct English.

I would also look at council and government admin staff levels and seek reductions of at least 25% better still 50%, and bring conditions and pensions more into line with the private sector, they don't have enough to do and have too much time on their hands which breeds more PC rubbish. Most organisations have used new technology to reduce costs whilst they have done the opposite.

Maybe more contentious but I would seek to renegotiate our situation in the EU. This is back door socialism and jobs for the boys. Our membership is an insult because we are there by default, we have not voted for any of this mass infiltration and if the truth be known most Europeans would scrap the EU too, if given the chance.

These are only a quick few thoughts and as you can see I am fair and not racist in my thoughts. The facts are we are living beyond our means and only storing future problems. We are a soft touch and it must change. All our politicians, of any party, know this is true, but only care about themselves.

When are you going to say what your limit would be and give us your thoughts Richard?
Well its going to take me a while to trawl thro all that and have a good think about it, but the first observation I do have is this "I would also include our own teenage mums on housing benefit." what about the baby's and children of these mums? , you also mention "the others" on the top line, who are they?.
I am abit shocked by what you say and in my opinion your remarks are racist but I'm not saying that your racist but that if they where my beliefs I would consider myself racist, we are after all different, but like I said I need to have a good think about it."When are you going to say what your limit would be and give us your thoughts Richard?" well I don't have a problem with it, I would pull down borders and give everyone freedom of movement, you already know my feelings and although there is a part of me that would agree with some of your sentiments, I feel its my dark side and that my British Christian upbringing has taught me to more generous, we've set high standards for ourselves thro civilisation and that includes looking after our fellow human beings. without all these civilisation laws that we've created we would be back in caves. but that,s not to say I've a closed mind to others ideals, look! I'm not saying your wrong its just your thoughts are completely alien to me and so its difficult for me to get my head around it..
I would leave the ones already here alone because there is no point in a witch hunt. For any others,I would stop any benefits

You have changed my wording slightly to mean something different and I obviously meant any newcomers.

"I would also include our own teenage mums on housing benefit." what about the baby's and children of these mums?

Well what about them then? the fathers should accept their responsibilty get a job and pay for them why should we? We all know they do it on purpose to get a council flat and live on the social as long as possible. Contraception is freely available there is no excuse. If you adopted this policy the numbers would plummet. Do we still have the highest number of teenage single mothers in Europe and maybe the civilised world?

I am abit shocked by what you say and in my opinion your remarks are racist

Specifically which part do you consider racist and why?

look! I'm not saying your wrong its just your thoughts are completely alien to me and so its difficult for me to get my head around it..

I haven't asked you to get you head round my opinion, you asked me what I would do and I suggested a few ideas.

I would pull down borders and give everyone freedom of movement

So you suddenly come to power tomorrow and adopt your open door policies. 10 million arrive from Africa and Asia, you have open borders and an equal number of British up sticks because they don't like the new England. How do you propose to feed, house and provide medical care to these people with 10 million less, probably well paid, British taxpayers? More specifically the NHS because this would be overwhelmed with Aids/Hiv victims from Africa and how are you going to protect our health?

So PM richardp how are you going to fund your ideas? Your turn.
he is or should be stumped there is no asnwer nor will there ever be one to that

racism is a funny thing to say when people stand by there country it is a word used way way too much to the extent it has lost all meaning now get back to grass roots ask anyone earning less than 15 k a year and u will get a good idea where britain stands on RACISM better still lets dare ask the government to vote a referendum on immigration my money says if we did get a vote the quota allowed in would be NILL regardless of there problems

make a stand for its time to become selfish

there are too many do gooders thinking we have to let these scum in
david and julie said:
"Well what about them then? the fathers should accept their responsibilty get a job and pay for them why should we? We all know they do it on purpose to get a council flat and live on the social as long as possible. Contraception is freely available there is no excuse. If you adopted this policy the numbers would plummet. Do we still have the highest number of teenage single mothers in Europe and maybe the civilised world?

but what if the fathers don't accept responsibility for the children?

Specifically which part do you consider racist and why?

The whole lot of it has racist innuendo

david and julie said:
"I haven't asked you to get you head round my opinion, you asked me what I would do and I suggested a few ideas."

yes, you have you ask me "When are you going to say what your limit would be and give us your thoughts Richard?

david and julie said:
"So you suddenly come to power tomorrow and adopt your open door policies. 10 million arrive from Africa and Asia, you have open borders and an equal number of British up sticks because they don't like the new England."

we already have the food to feed these people, if they weren't already starving why would they won't to come here? they only wont their fair share of the worlds wealth much of which we stole from them.

david and julie said:
"So PM richardp how are you going to fund your ideas? Your turn."

I don't wont to be PM why are you being sarcastic, I know you will find my ideas ridiculous as I find yours racist, I'm interested in what you have to say as an insight to our differences, can we try to avoid personal abuse
sorry its abit of a mishmash I hav'nt sorted out how to use the quote feature properly.

kevplumb ever been told your a trouble maker ? ;)
I fink Dicky boy r Kev is very takfully pointing out that this aint not not a privut ariel .... not the waggly whip but nearer Ura nus. ;)
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