In or out

In or out of the European union

  • Remain in the EU

  • Get out

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Seems to me the Cameron never expected it to be such a close-run thing. I think they expected Remain to be a dead cert from the start.

They would never have allowed it to take place if they hadn't thought that that would be the case.

Project Fear worked very well in 1975 and they thought it couldn't possibly fail in this referendum.

We will find out if they are right about that on Friday, but they haven't been right about anything else.

They can't even remember what was said in that meeting before the last election when DC was told by his advisors that his claim about controlling immigration was unachievable.
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It is such an important lie that they even paint it on their bus and print it on their leaflets. It has great appeal to the Xenophobes and really draws in their support.
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Regarding immigration, the Remnants keep telling us that net immigration is greater from outside the EU than inside, but I wonder if the establishment have encouraged this to make their figures regarding uncontrollable immigration look better.

Nothing they do or say would surprise me anymore!
Is that your paranoia, or do you have evidence?

We've seen the Outists base their campaign on deliberate and well-recognised lies.

I doubt the remainers would stoop so low.
I couldn't agree more with what David Beckham said “We live in a vibrant and connected world where together as a people we are strong. For our children and their children we should be facing the problems of the world together and not alone.”
“We live in a vibrant and connected world where together as a people we are strong. For our children and their children we should be facing the problems of the world together and not alone.”
The world is more connected today than ever, which is precisely why we need to Leave. We (Britian) can't face the problems of the world together (whatever that means) as long as the EU steps in like a condescending parent to do the talking for us. Are Norwegians not facing the problems of the world together? Or New Zealanders? Would you like to go further and see us lose our seat in NATO in favour of a single EU seat instead?

You know how American's often use the word 'world' to mean north America? Remainers do the same thing by conflating EU, Europe, and the World.
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You said we can't face the problems of the world together, well solo we won't be able to do anything on our own, look how aggressive Argentina became recently over Falklands and if we are threatened again, do you think our Naval fleet could defend us this time? we might well need our Europeans brothers to persuade Argentina to back off as whole of Europe is behind us. And that same message goes to IS.

What if China who is getting a super power starts to meddle in the South Pacific and starts to bully Australia, and other smaller island nations in the Pacific, can we handle that bully? and Putin's planes are flying on the edge of our air space boundary testing our nerves. NATO is not a guaranteed to keep us a member, like if we leave EU, they could expel us from NATO.
NATO is not a guaranteed to keep us a member, like if we leave EU, they could expel us from NATO.

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