In or out

In or out of the European union

  • Remain in the EU

  • Get out

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I haven't seen anybody (except rabid Resigners like you) suggest such a thing.
I guess you missed the bits where we were told Brexit would pave the way for the break up of the EU and possible war, that we'd all be £4300 worse off, that house prices would collapse, that no one would trade with us, that 3 million jobs would (by implication) be lost, that 1930s level recession is likely, that EU countries would punish us for betrayal, that we'd be exposed to terrorists... Why do you think they call it project fear?

I have, however, seen the overwhelming majority of economists and EU-funded financial institutions point out that resigning from the EU might damage the UK's trade and prosperity a bit, temporarily.
I corrected that for you.

Boris did say in the Debate last night, that if we leave the EU, all our financial problems would be saved by the amount of Haggis we will be able to sell to America !
Biggest set back would be losing access to LHC and ESA, no one has looked at this how it will effect our scientist. My guess is they will be shown the door, and our top scientist will be highly disappointed naturally having to work on improving Haggis instead so that we can export top quality Haggis to America.
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Biggest set back would be losing access to LHC and ESA, no one has looked at this how it will effect our scientist.
The world of academia tends to be very accommodating to those within its field -politics and national borders mean little. We will not lose access to the LHC, although we might need visas to work there. Big whoop. We still have a dominant clutch of the world's greatest universities here, and besides, there is a whole world of science that doesn't involve theoretical physics, although it doesn't make for engaging headlines.

A short film setting out the democratic case for voting Leave in the forthcoming EU Referendum. The argument relies on a factual account of how the EU works, and an historical analysis of how much influence Britain has been able to wield within it, rather than scaremongering and conjecture.
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Bugger - I clicked on the wrong thing and mistakenly started reading the first page again.

One thing I discovered, though, the following 72 were a waste of time.

All these threads will have to cease at 7am tomorrow for fear of influencing the voters.
One thing you may all remember, during Margaret Thatcher's time, she introduced drastic shake up of NHS, and many other things, her efficiency measures closing lots of smaller local hospitals and forcing a few larger ones to take on more patients, and appoint many health managers who did little in the way of helping cut ques, and were unnecessary burden on resources which could have been spent on health care insead like more nurses, and doctors which is what can reduce long waiting and ques. This was the prime cause of massive strain and stress on our NHS, when Labour party won elections, they tried to revive the fallen NHS, but we are still struggling to recover from that impact. This was way before migrant workers flooded Britain, she also sold or privatised lots of other public holdings, and forced local councils to sell housing stock on the cheap, our population since then has increased and we have not invested in more hospitals ans schools, or build much more housing stock, hence why there appears to be an issue with immigrants, schools with overcrowded classrooms, we did not see this forth coming hence why it became a problem finding a school of your choice because Govt failed to cater for ever growing UK population, even if we stop immigration, our own population is bound to go up, due to better medical care, people living longer, so we are going to continue to find strain on these services, this is why migrants are and were necessary to build our country faster to cater for this shortfall, many I met had worked on Olympics Stadium ( which incidentally may never have been completed in time if more than 50% of the workforce from Europe didn't participate) many of those have now gone back after they worked hard and saved money here, working maximum overtime, one I know bought a tipper van and set up his own business back in romania, and last I heard from him he bought his own HGV truck and has become a haulage contractor and collects and delivers stuff all over Europe. From what I know these people love their own country, they have land and houses there, they are not going to leave those there empty, they have more relaxed life in their own country and find coming here in UK to make a living is full of stress, most of their earnings end up in high rents, expensive public transport, yet they are pretty much helpless in their own countries (Romania) and do not have as many opportunities as we have in UK, and once they have saved a few bob here, they go back to lead a more relaxed life, we could have helped these poor countries with our knowledge and expertise to improve their infra structure, invested our cash and we could have created opportunities for them in their own countries for them, whilst we could have equally benefited out of it, exporting our skills would have been an opportunity that is not going to come back after tomorrow.

But have a look at this Thatcherism article and see who is to blame for overcrowded schools and overstretched NHS , and housing shortage.

Another thing, we in the West, Europe and America, took all our manufacturing industry to China, I ask why? why if our own labour was getting expensive, we could not produce goods cheap enough, then why did we not think of taking our manufacturing in countries like Romania and Hungry, and kept everyone happy within Europe, on top of that why did we not invest in other poor countries like Africa, if we had, today all these people from Africa wouldn't have a need to risk their life to cross Mediterranean sea to come to European shores seeking better life, our investment in these countries would have been 10 times better and we are feeding a communist Monster that one day may well be such a super power that we will all have to bow under them.
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Bugger - I clicked on the wrong thing and mistakenly started reading the first page again.

One thing I discovered, though, the following 72 were a waste of time.

All these threads will have to cease at 7am tomorrow for fear of influencing the voters.
I have friends on both sides, so i decided not to vote. there you go decision made.
It's interesting to know that migrants are mostly people of working age, who make less call on the NHS and benefits system than the average UK citizen. Very few of them are pensioners, disabled or chronically sick. If you go into an NHS hospital you are likely to meet a German doctor, a Philipina nurse, a Bulgarian cleaner, an Italian midwife, a Polish maintenance man.

With these people paying taxes and NI, and working in the public services, why have we, as a nation, decided to underfund our education and health service so that we have insufficient resources? Especially as our native population grows older and needs increasing care?

It's well known that Brexit leader Gove is one of several Conservative MPs who co-authored a book which calls for the NHS to be dismantled, but surely this is not the policy of the nation?
John, my experience living among them in London is that when they get illness, they do not use our NHS, they nip down to their local shops now selling many common medicines which they pay cash for and get on with life, many do not know that they have to register with a GP, and can obtain expert help, they don't clog our GP surgeries and hospitals, our A&E are mostly busy with our own drunken bunch involved in weekend of fights and punch ups and drunkenness, you will see them very rarely clogging our NHS and only in extreme emergency cases, many I know go back to their country to seek cheaper dental and other treatments privately. Most don't bring their wives and children here, they leave them back home, every Christmas they love going back to be together with their families, and come back to continue in construction industry, which London cannot do without.
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