Is immigration good or bad ?

Dead easy. They've gota have a job here before they can enter the country, and if they lose the job in less than a year, they have 1 month to find another, or it's a visit from immigration, and a ride to the nearest exit.
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Dead easy. They've gota have a job here before they can enter the country, and if they lose the job in less than a year, they have 1 month to find another, or it's a visit from immigration, and a ride to the nearest exit.
They do have jobs. Self employed car washer/scrap dealer/big issue salesperson, until work runs out, then its gimme gimme gimme.
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They do have jobs. Self employed car washer/scrap dealer/big issue salesperson, until work runs out, then its gimme gimme gimme

Not the way it works actually; all those jobs you've quoted entitles them to in work benefits like help with housing benefit, and working families tax credit. The real work isn't there in the first place to run out.
Well EFLI's retired, so doesn't need a job; how about you.
There's no benefit to unskilled or low skilled labour/immigration while your country still has any considerable rate of unemployment. It only goes to benefit this economy on paper and employers who want more for less.
I'm glad that France (and Portugal) don't operate that restriction otherwise I (and I assume EFLI) would have been stuffed.
To get residency - register - I had to state that I could support myself (or had a job to go to).

Obviously you could sneak in and keep quiet but then you can't do much without the relevant numbers and bits of paper.
I presume Britain is the same. If not, then it is the Government's fault; not the EU's.

You get the impression on here that they just enter the country, queue up outside the benefit office and they give them a house and loads of money every week.
There's no benefit to unskilled or low skilled labour/immigration while your country still has any considerable rate of unemployment. It only goes to benefit this economy on paper and employers who want more for less.
...but 'tis they and their friends who make the rules and they are quite happy with the situation.
You get the impression on here that they just enter the country, queue up outside the benefit office and they give them a house and loads of money every week.
That is because they get their 'facts' from the Daily Fail.
Dumb quitters.
I presume Britain is the same. If not, then it is the Government's fault; not the EU's.

Both; the EU insists on free movement period, and the government doesn't check if someones has a job to go to, or hasn't got one within the 3 months allowed.

You get the impression on here that they just enter the country, queue up outside the benefit office and they give them a house and loads of money.

For some, but fortunately not all, that's pretty much how it goes. It's the in work benefits they come for, and prior to the crash in the pound, they were able to send money home; now it's not so worthwhile doing that.

Recent report stated that the governments hiding the fact that 8 out of 10 houses have gone to immigrants in the last 15 years.
Just those morons who read and believe (unequivocally) the Daily Wail.

It's a little ironic you should assume everyone who voted one way did so on the same basis implying everyone who voted the other way did the same.

Agree or disagree with the outcome I don't believe you should be so insulting simply because it didn't go your way.
It's the in work benefits they come for,
You make it sound like the employers don't pay enough to live on and need subsidising.

and prior to the crash in the pound,
Caused by speculators after only the third referendum result.
It's a pity ordinary people's lives are determined by a casino.
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