Is Islam A Religion of Peace

If God is all seeing and omnipotent, he would have foreseen the wickedness of man and altered things accordingly.

Bit of a paradox, but there you go....

So.... skipping a few....

He created the garden of eden and left temptation.

He then let the world's population grow, but then realised he'd fecked up and decided to kill everyone and start again.

That went t|ts up so he sent his son/him/himself down to earth to get crucified for mans sins - reboot number 3....That didn't work, so we were left with the holocaust and millions being killed and suffering in the name of religion until he gets round to reboot number 4 or the end of days.

All these mistakes despite being infallible.

Flaming nora - his office must be as disorganised as mine.
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So BnB, you talk about Christ, and about God giving the Jews their promised land, so it begs the question of you being a Jew, or a Christian - just interested, that's all.

I'm actually a spiritual healer, so if you're anything like the Jehovah witness's, then you're now making the sign of the cross to ward off evil. I never had a religious upbringing because the Greek Church I was Christened in to was too far away to go to, and being a non Christian, I automatically got excused assembly at school, so I never had any religious conditioning. I formed my beliefs by looking at the world around me, yet at 14, I looked at my mum one day, and realised that she had to have been here before, to be the person that she was now, but it wasn't until my mid 20's that I bumped into the spiritualist movement, and found people with similar ideas. Yet having said that, I could also see they were still rooted in their original religions, and couldn't move on from them, so I'm nothing like most spiritualists either.

My parents divorced, and I eventually found out that my mum had then gone to spiritualist church, learnt meditation, and then become a trance medium, and I had a fascinating insight into people that have passed from this world, and yet still remained around. And whilst a lot on this site will ridicule it, I had a fascinating time talking to the dead, some who have passed over recently, and others who died hundreds of years ago.

My mother had the privilege of standing before the creator during meditation one day, yet when he asked her if there was anything she wanted to know, she was too awed to asked anything. My belief is that we come here to learn, yet we make mistakes simply because we are frail human beings. We get put through all sorts of crap, and we end up getting a bit twisted, and then have to learn how to make ourselves better. God doesn't guide us to do good or bad, and nor does Satan; I take personal responsibility for who I am, and sorry BnB, but he also doesn't condemn us for the mistakes we make either. Jesus came to teach and guide us to a better way of life, and he certainly didn't die for our sins. It was his disciples that tried to recount what he'd said, and then it was corrupted and twisted by those who realised they had power and control over the masses - nothing whatsoever to do with Gods guiding hand, but what better way of getting people to do as they are told than by saying that.

I now look forward to being vilified.
So every man woman and child was evil/wicked except Noah.

And he killed them.

Its still murder. And I doubt very much every man woman and child other than Noah deserved to die.

if a court decides that a child abuser and killer should be hanged for his crime is that murder or justice.

God found favour in noah, yes he was the only one that was not evil in Gods eyes, becuase noah had faith, and that was counted to him as rightousness. if not we would not be here to complain about it.
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If a homicidal maniac decides that a sinner lives in a town and decides to slaughter every man, woman and child in that town, is that murder or justice?
but what better way of getting people to do as they are told than by saying that

Would God not want to have this heinous disservice corrected to protect the innocent who would otherwise believe correctly? Or would not be chopping the heads of innocents if this falsification of the Gospel were not to have happened?
well here it says one, but there must have been two surely a bloke was on the scene

On the basis of the inbreeding defects found in the American mountain regions, and the genetic abnormalities found in Pakistani families that marry first cousins, I'd say that there had to be a lot more than just one bloke for it to have worked.
So BnB, you talk about Christ, and about God giving the Jews their promised land, so it begs the question of you being a Jew, or a Christian - just interested, that's all.

I'm actually a spiritual healer, so if you're anything like the Jehovah witness's, then you're now making the sign of the cross to ward off evil. I never had a religious upbringing because the Greek Church I was Christened in to was too far away to go to, and being a non Christian, I automatically got excused assembly at school, so I never had any religious conditioning. I formed my beliefs by looking at the world around me, yet at 14, I looked at my mum one day, and realised that she had to have been here before, to be the person that she was now, but it wasn't until my mid 20's that I bumped into the spiritualist movement, and found people with similar ideas. Yet having said that, I could also see they were still rooted in their original religions, and couldn't move on from them, so I'm nothing like most spiritualists either.

My parents divorced, and I eventually found out that my mum had then gone to spiritualist church, learnt meditation, and then become a trance medium, and I had a fascinating insight into people that have passed from this world, and yet still remained around. And whilst a lot on this site will ridicule it, I had a fascinating time talking to the dead, some who have passed over recently, and others who died hundreds of years ago.

My mother had the privilege of standing before the creator during meditation one day, yet when he asked her if there was anything she wanted to know, she was too awed to asked anything. My belief is that we come here to learn, yet we make mistakes simply because we are frail human beings. We get put through all sorts of crap, and we end up getting a bit twisted, and then have to learn how to make ourselves better. God doesn't guide us to do good or bad, and nor does Satan; I take personal responsibility for who I am, and sorry BnB, but he also doesn't condemn us for the mistakes we make either. Jesus came to teach and guide us to a better way of life, and he certainly didn't die for our sins. It was his disciples that tried to recount what he'd said, and then it was corrupted and twisted by those who realised they had power and control over the masses - nothing whatsoever to do with Gods guiding hand, but what better way of getting people to do as they are told than by saying that.

I now look forward to being vilified.

i am a christian.
i am sorry your parents divorced its a painfull thing to happen, it meses up lives, i have experienced it.
i was not brought up in christianity religion.
i am not a jehovah witness.
Jesus did not come in to the world to condemn the world,but to bring it to repentense
the main reason Jesus came to earth was to die for our sins, whith out that we are all damned, but becuase christ came, and died on the cross, we have a chance, to escape judgement from God becuase of our sin.
we believe that when people die they go to judgement, as the bible says, so we dont believe there is human ghosts, but we know there is trillions of evil spirits, fallen angels, that roam the earth,principalities and spirituel wickedness in high places.
we believe that your not speaking to a human ghost that passed this life, but a familiar spirit, that knew the departed person, and can simmulate them,in voice and character. so what your talking to is an evil spirit.
evil spirits are restless and tormented, they seek a body to enter, it gives them less torment occupying a person
plus they can do more destructive things whith some one,that they can control.
How can a newborn baby have faith? Why could God not foresee all these mistakes and evils beforehand and prevent them from occurring?

i believe that all children , are saved, becuase there innocent , they are not at an accountable age.
God wants us to have perfect free will, and there is a risk in that free will. it was us that blew it not God, he warned them before hand. not to disabay.
If God is all seeing and omnipotent, he would have foreseen the wickedness of man and altered things accordingly.

Bit of a paradox, but there you go....

So.... skipping a few....

He created the garden of eden and left temptation.

He then let the world's population grow, but then realised he'd fecked up and decided to kill everyone and start again
That went t|ts up so he sent his son/him/himself down to earth to get crucified for mans sins - reboot number 3....That didn't work, so we were left with the holocaust and millions being killed and suffering in the name of religion until he gets round to reboot number 4 or the end of days.

All these mistakes despite being infallible.

Flaming nora - his office must be as disorganised as mine.

Half empty or half full it depends on your interpretation of what you think you're seeing. And I say think your seeing after that documentary on the beeb last night !
My parents divorced after I'd left home, and I knew it was the best thing for them, so it didn't bother me at all.

So if you weren't brought up a Christian, then that would make you a born again Christian I suppose, and that would explain a lot of your views.

I know a few spiritual healers. Though some practise on the dark side in the name of the devil

I've met a lot who do it for the prestige of wanting to look good, but I've never met any doing it for the dark side yet. But I've experienced psychic attacks, and seen the dark side of human nature, and in the spiritualist movement as well.

the main reason Jesus came to earth was to die for our sins, whith out that we are all damned, but becuase christ came, and died on the cross, we have a chance, to escape judgement from God becuase of our sin.
we believe that when people die they go to judgement, as the bible says, so we dont believe there is human ghosts, but we know there is trillions of evil spirits,

So if Jesus came into this world to die for our sins, what happened to the billons of sinners that came before him. And sorry BNB, no one judges us, and no one condemns us, but we do judge ourselves. And if there are trillions of evil spirits, then it's a pretty crowded place up there/down there. That pretty much makes it more than all the people that have ever died.
My parents divorced after I'd left home, and I knew it was the best thing for them, so it didn't bother me at all.

So if you weren't brought up a Christian, then that would make you a born again Christian I suppose, and that would explain a lot of your views.

I've met a lot who do it for the prestige of wanting to look good, but I've never met any doing it for the dark side yet. But I've experienced psychic attacks, and seen the dark side of human nature, and in the spiritualist movement as well.

So if Jesus came into this world to die for our sins, what happened to the billons of sinners that came before him. And sorry BNB, no one judges us, and no one condemns us, but we do judge ourselves. And if there are trillions of evil spirits, then it's a pretty crowded place up there/down there. That pretty much makes it more than all the people that have ever died.

There's a school of thought that thinks there are more people alive now than have ever lived, in 1800 London had a population of only 1,000,000 so it doesn't take a lot of imagination to see they've got a point and the average lifespan was forty something.
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