Is Islam A Religion of Peace

Islamic extremists are as close to Islam as the Ku Klux Klan are to christianity.
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I wonder of all the victims of secxual abuse at teh hands of the church managed out of body experiences too? Perhaps they were charitable experiences?

Surely the answer to your question is "what was going thru' your mind whilst your priest was buggering you"?

Only you can answer that !
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I had the BIG off during a motorcycle road race 30+yrs ago.

I'm told I had no pulse when the doctor got to me trackside, but a feint one when put in the ambulance.

Many things could be said to have saved my life that day but to cut a long story short . . . the surgeon sat on my bed 4 days later & asked me if I had anything to tell?

"I remember the light, very bright but not uncomfortably so. It was at the end of the tunnel, yet it wasn't a tunnel, it's hard to describe. I was definitely travelling towards the light whilst being in the light at the same time. I could see shapes moving within the light & I became sort of aware that I was travelling towards a particular group of them. As I got closer I could see that the shapes were people. I remember trying to make sense of the shapes, I remember the overwhelming sense of peace, the incredible feeling that all was well in my world.

The only thing I know for sure is that it was my Grandad who turned to me & said "bugger off, it's not your time".

With no further discussion, the surgeon told me that they don't know if it's truly the afterlife or if it's just an effect of the experience of a major trauma & all that comes after it.

I'm not the only one who's story is similar to this & I'm told that there are 3 main themes to them, the 'out of body experience' floating above the operating table being one of the others . . . .


incidentally did u race professionally ?? (interested) TT ?
Because it is nonsense.
When it isn't religion and in place to control people then believing such things is called insanity.

Admirable charity work, as you say; nothing to do with religion - unless his religious leaders cajoled him into doing it.
The other option is not being a horrible person; quite the contrary.

If these things are only done because god says so then it invalidates their humanity.

...and therefore so is the belief.

Absolute garbage.
It must really annoy you that religious people can do and do a lot of good in the world.
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"I remember the light, very bright but not uncomfortably so. It was at the end of the tunnel, yet it wasn't a tunnel, it's hard to describe. I was definitely travelling towards the light whilst being in the light at the same time. I could see shapes moving within the light & I became sort of aware that I was travelling towards a particular group of them. As I got closer I could see that the shapes were people.
Sounds like an alien abduction! Or that perhaps I watched X-Files too much..

Just teasing of course :)
Absolute garbage.
Not at all.
It must really annoy you that religious people can do and do a lot of good in the world.
It does not annoy me. Why do you say such a thing?

Are you saying only religious people do good work or they only do good work because they are religious?
Are you saying that non-religious people do not do any good work?

Religion was introduced/invented to control the peasants with fear and promises of damnation.

The leaders - kings etc. - were then deified and supposedly were god's voice on earth - well, their part of it as, obviously, there were a lot of other gods elsewhere.
Of course, this could be terminated by anyone who killed the king with superior power from above and then, surprisingly, took on the deity and became king himself - or vice versa.

Oh, and what about all the harm that religion and religious people have done?
Are you saying only religious people do good work or they only do good work because they are religious?
Are you saying that non-religious people do not do any good work?
I've always thought that those who do good work who aren't told to by religion have a more benevolent attitude. Perhaps I shouldn't feel like that because charity work is charity work and it's all good. As long as it's not done conditionally, like pushing the bible at the same time.
There was a case a while back , with ref to those tube/bus bombings in London , a vicars (woman) daughter was a killed. She resigned her post as she could no longer preach love ect to her congregation as she had nothing but hate & anger for those who committed the act.

there was also a case in the states were some fruit cake went into that religious Amish community & shot & killed a load of em

If I recall correctly they refused to give evidence against the killer & forgave him ??? as there religion is totally non violence even for any type of punishment against murderers
Before the Omagh bombing, I was blissfully unaware about christians and their backwards religion/ideology/brainwashing.


Blimey! Are you really that slow that you've just cottoned on? The 'troubles' have been going on for decades. Where were you? Asleep the whole time?

No wonder it's impossible for the more switched on members on here to alert you to the much greater danger of a really serious terrorist death cult that's on it's way to us right now. You're blind to the facts and evidence, and then like you did with the 'troubles', you will finally wake up in about 2046 and suddenly become aware of the situation that will by then be so obvious that you will probably be too scared to leave home. It's no wonder you keep disbelieving all the evidence and warnings about The ROP that are put before you and should be staring you in the face.

And, are you trying to say that all Irish people are terrorists? Shame on you, Johnny. :whistle:

Not to worry, someone will be along shortly to erase your post.
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