Maybe there's going to be a perfect storm of sorts. The world becoming ever more volatile in years to come coupled with the advancement of AI. Fast forward a couple of decades or so, AI computes the world is essentially fecked because of humankind and concludes 'appropriate action' is required to remove the common denominator.
I think it would be a relatively good conclusion truth be told. And whilst Corbyn's brother might not be playing with a fully rational deck, one thing he indirectly touched on is undoubtedly true. We, the general public, don't have a scooby about what's going on behind closed doors between heads of state. What strategies are being drawn up etc.
We live in a funny old world right enough. Countries calling for peace whilst simultaneously selling arms with no full-proof way of knowing where said arms will eventually end up. I had to laugh when this was brought up on QT the other night and the Conservative guy on the panel said along the lines of 'we have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure ...' blah blah blah.
All I know is 100s of innocent men women and children on both sides are being killed. It's disgusting.
So yeah, let's hope AI comes to the right conclusion in the future ...
I think it would be a relatively good conclusion truth be told. And whilst Corbyn's brother might not be playing with a fully rational deck, one thing he indirectly touched on is undoubtedly true. We, the general public, don't have a scooby about what's going on behind closed doors between heads of state. What strategies are being drawn up etc.
We live in a funny old world right enough. Countries calling for peace whilst simultaneously selling arms with no full-proof way of knowing where said arms will eventually end up. I had to laugh when this was brought up on QT the other night and the Conservative guy on the panel said along the lines of 'we have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure ...' blah blah blah.
All I know is 100s of innocent men women and children on both sides are being killed. It's disgusting.
So yeah, let's hope AI comes to the right conclusion in the future ...