Israel under attack

Who suggested asylum seekers must be terrorists, are there really no 'sleeper cells' in the UK?
I can’t believe people still are seriously concerned about the influx of young men by the boat load landing daily!!
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Interesting view from the Wall Stree Journal - looks like this has turned sour.

Surveying the wreckage of a neighbor's bungalow hit by a Palestinian rocket, retired Israeli official Avner Cohen traces the missile's trajectory back to an "enormous, stupid mistake" made 30 years ago.
"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction.
Instead of trying to curb Gaza's Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat's Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas. Sheikh Yassin continues to inspire militants today; during the recent war in Gaza, Hamas fighters confronted Israeli troops with "Yassins," primitive rocket-propelled grenades named in honor of the cleric.
Hamas traces its roots back to the Muslim Brotherhood, a group set up in Egypt in 1928. The Brotherhood believed that the woes of the Arab world spring from a lack of Islamic devotion. Its slogan: "Islam is the solution. The Quran is our constitution." Its philosophy today underpins modern, and often militantly intolerant, political Islam from Algeria to Indonesia.

An interesting article and an interview from the Guardian Archive with Ahmed Yassin gives his views on a Palestinian state:

Despite his frail appearance, Sheikh Yassin speaks with an authority based on unshakeable faith. “If we want a Palestinian state we must have Palestinian land,” he insists. “There is no point in making a state on paper. Our state will be Islamic.”
The Hamas manifesto approvingly quotes the notorious antisemitic forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and warns of Israeli plans to conquer Arab and Muslim lands “from the Nile to the Euphrates”.
Sheikh Yassin is slightly more guarded, but there is no mistaking his vision of the future: “It is not enough to have a state in the West Bank and Gaza,” he argues. “The best solution is to let all – Christians, Jews and Muslims – live in Palestine, in an Islamic state.”

September 1988
Or was he waving his rear in the air in defiance and filly thought - oooh I'll have a bit of that ass. :LOL:
Lucky for this guy the police here don't have hellfire missiles (yet)...

"A terminally ill man who was arrested after flashing his backside at a speed camera has been cleared by magistrates. Darrell Meekcom, 55, of Kidderminster, created a bucket list of things he wanted to do before he dies"

“I didn’t think anything of it,” said the father of two, who added: “It was a good laugh.”
West Mercia Police did not see the funny side and sent six officers to his house and arrested him in his back garden."

“I pulled my trousers down and mooned at a speed camera. That's all I did. Why were they kicking living daylights of me in the back garden if there was no offence committed?"

“So all this is after they bashed my doors in, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage, for no good reason. The police escalated it and I am furious about it. I never thought it would get to this point."

"But Mr Meekcom was cleared of a public order offence at Redditch magistrates’ court on Tuesday. Two charges of using insulting language, resisting arrest and obstructing an officer were also dropped."
Reports that Israelis were beheaded
In one massacre ??

Hamas no surprise if the reports are correct ???
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Hamas traces its roots back to the Muslim Brotherhood, a group set up in Egypt in 1928. The Brotherhood believed that the woes of the Arab world spring from a lack of Islamic devotion. Its slogan: "Islam is the solution. The Quran is our constitution." Its philosophy today underpins modern, and often militantly intolerant, political Islam from Algeria to Indonesia.

An interesting article and an interview from the Guardian Archive with Ahmed Yassin gives his views on a Palestinian state:

Despite his frail appearance, Sheikh Yassin speaks with an authority based on unshakeable faith. “If we want a Palestinian state we must have Palestinian land,” he insists. “There is no point in making a state on paper. Our state will be Islamic.”
The Hamas manifesto approvingly quotes the notorious antisemitic forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and warns of Israeli plans to conquer Arab and Muslim lands “from the Nile to the Euphrates”.
Sheikh Yassin is slightly more guarded, but there is no mistaking his vision of the future: “It is not enough to have a state in the West Bank and Gaza,” he argues. “The best solution is to let all – Christians, Jews and Muslims – live in Palestine, in an Islamic state.”

September 1988
Hamas was an organization encouraged to be setup by Isreal as a bulwark against the PLO and similar palestinian organisations in the 80's
Reports that Israelis were beheaded
In one massacre ??

Hamas no surprise if the reports are correct ???
Why are still shocked by all this, given everything that has happened?
Hamas was an organization encouraged to be setup by Isreal as a bulwark against the PLO and similar palestinian organisations in the 80's
Read the article. They cite the Muslim Brotherhood as the source of their struggle. They also quote from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a forgery by Russian agents. It's complicated. You could even trace a zig-zag route back to the 19th century Anarchists and the rise of Zionism.
Read the article. They cite the Muslim Brotherhood as the source of their struggle. They also quote from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a forgery by Russian agents. It's complicated. You could even trace a zig-zag route back to the 19th century Anarchists and the rise of Zionism.
They do, but Isreal lent a big hand, yesterday was an article in the guardian from a retired IDF general who says he played a big hand in this and its coming back to haunt them, im trying to find that article.
Who suggested asylum seekers must be terrorists, are there really no 'sleeper cells' in the UK?
Was talking to a friend today about how the Israeli's were caught napping when the the attack took place and they said for all we know, those young fit muslim’s coming over in boats could be an army just waiting for the call to arms.
And THFC thougth the UK was full of sleeper cells.
Indeed. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this country isn't full of sleeper cells.
I have confidence that UK Intelligence is aware of any, if they exist. Ther're probably in bed with them.
I can’t believe people still are seriously concerned about the influx of young men by the boat load landing daily!!
You clearly aren't with your cleverly clumsily disguised anti asylum seeker comment.
Reports that Israelis were beheaded
In one massacre ??

Hamas no surprise if the reports are correct ???
is it any different to killing whole families, their neighbours, and the rest of the street with one missile?

Is the method of killing really the issue? Is any one method any more humane than another?
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Read the article. They cite the Muslim Brotherhood as the source of their struggle. They also quote from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a forgery by Russian agents. It's complicated. You could even trace a zig-zag route back to the 19th century Anarchists and the rise of Zionism.
One could do a similar excercise for the Royal Navy. Just about any organisation was born of concerning beginnings.
Despite his frail appearance, Sheikh Yassin speaks with an authority based on unshakeable faith. “If we want a Palestinian state we must have Palestinian land,” he insists. “There is no point in making a state on paper. Our state will be Islamic.”
The Hamas manifesto approvingly quotes the notorious antisemitic forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and warns of Israeli plans to conquer Arab and Muslim lands “from the Nile to the Euphrates”.
The human race is inherently migratory and invasive. It has always been thus, and I can't see it ever changing.
Humans have always wanted to colonise other hospitalable environments. And in that desire they have always been prepared to cleanse the area of the indigenous humans.
Humans are probably the only species to have adapted technology to achieve its desires to colonise and cleanse the area of the indigenous inhabitants.
Humans are prtobably responsible for the vast majoprity of the loss of other human life.
We mourn the loss of human life, but we respond to it by killing even more people.
Unless we develop more logical, intelligent solutions and work together, there will continue to be violent conflct. We should use technology to improve all of our lives, not for selfish colonising of others' lands.
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is it any different to killing whole families, theri neighbours, the rest of the street with one missile?

Is the method of killing really the issue? Is any one method any more humane than another?
And for those who still believe that only one side deliberately targets civilians, This Link puts that belief to bed!
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