Israel under attack

do you accept there is no equivalence between Hamas terrorist atrocities and Israels response?
What is that supposed to mean? If it was meant to mean what I think it does, then yes, I think both Hamas and Israeli killings are equally abhorrent.

And do I think that Israel deserved a terrorist attack, no-one deserves a terrorist attack. But when one nation oppresses another, reprisals are no surprise and are to be expected. There have been (250 IIRC) killings this year alone of Palestinians by Israel. There are somehting like 5000 Palestinians in prison without trial. That oppression is not reducing, but increasing each year.
What's more both Israel and Hamas have been increasing the level of violence each time.
Israel, with its vast military superiority ought to take the initiative to reduce the conflict betweem them. But instead it increases the oppression by stealing even more land and killing and imprisoning more Palestinians.
Such action by Israel only increases the militancy of Palestinians.
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If I was certain to die. I’d prefer being vaporised by high explosives than having my head slowly sawn off. Even being shot in the chest is far from instant.

I cannot imagine the fear and horror a child would go throw being killed in such a hateful way. More disturbing is the mentality of someone who can justify this.
It's still only reports from IDF.
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What is that supposed to mean? If it was meant to mean what I think it does, then yes, I think both Hamas and Israeli killings are equally abhorrent.
So you think that Hamas terrorism is the same as Israel defending itself

now we are seeing the real Himmie
There can't be meaningful elections while the two parts of Palestine are separate, travel between the two parts of Palestine are prevented, and both parts are under Israeli military control.
do you have evidence that those things prevent elections in Palestine
So should you support either side on who has the higher death toll and injured?

What line do you draw and where?
The war and its consequences and casualties are truly horrendous for both sides.

You have to remember that not all the inhabitants of Gaza are blood-thirsty death-mongers. Many are innocent civilians trying to live their lives.

You also need to remember that Israel have been waging war for years on these people by cutting off electricity, food and water supplies and stealing land. They have been diverting the River Jordan into the Sea of Galilee Even the UN agreed that they should not be depriving people like this.
There can't be meaningful elections while the two parts of Palestine are separate

There can't be meaningful elections if Hamas won't recognise Fatah, that's why West Bank and Gaza have two separate Governments.
FFS man do some research before spouting off about Israel preventing elections.
If I was certain to die. I’d prefer being vaporised by high explosives than having my head slowly sawn off. Even being shot in the chest is far from instant.

I cannot imagine the fear and horror a child would go throw being killed in such a hateful way. More disturbing is the mentality of someone who can justify this.
So you think like Hamas - their options are die a slow humiliating death in squalor or take arms and strike a blow that will achieve nothing other than brief elation.
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