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Weren't the Russians doing it too?Different times....
Weren't the Russians doing it too?Different times....
So was the Russian held referendum in Donbas democraticOf course it waas democratic
They know my views. They know what i think. They dislike Christianity. I dont fight them because of that. Not everyone goes to war over opinions.
They're hardly likely to while there are 5000 Gazeans held in prison without trial, or about 360 Gazeans are killed each year by IDF, over the last 15 years.Or negotiate for peace and a two state solution. The first step is to recognise each others right to exist, Hamas can't get past that first step.
He's also facing criminal charges.Yeah, Netanyahu is a bit too far right and maybe Israel would benefit from new leadership. Netanyahu has likely been moulded by a life of Arab conflict,
Filly's post 405 explained why there won't be any meeting of minds.They're hardly likely to while there are 5000 Gazeans held in prison without trial, or about 360 Gazeans are killed each year by IDF, over the last 15 years.
Compared to about 2 Israelis each year killed during various conflicts
Data on casualties | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian territory
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Not according to Anthony Blinken.Hamas are bankrolled by Iran and Russia, I bet this campaign was organised by Iran - proxy terrorism.
What are you on? You're being very silly and completely illogical latelyRussia invaded Ukraine
Ukraine is defending itself
So using your logic, Ukraine soldiers trying to defend their land are just as bad as Russian invaders
yeah ok.
No you presented a strawman argument claiming I'd said that which I hadn't.It is a false argument because you turned it around deliberately
Only designated terrorists because of their armed struggle against their oppressors.Hamas are terrorists.
Strawman alert again. I never said they were. But 44% of Palestinians did support Hamas in the last Legislative elections.Hamas people are Palestinian by nationality, but that doesn’t mean Palestinians are Hamas….many do not support Hamas
Not according to Anthony BlinkenAll this will not end until the mad mullets in Tehran are dealt with
They are up to there eye balls in this Gaza caper
Are you advocating nuclear war? It's not called MAD for nothing.They are attempting to get the bomb
So best advised to sort em out prior to acquiring the bomb
There will be a serious confrontation with the mad mullets eventually so best advised to sort it prior to them getting the bomb
You said “killing is killing”What are you on? You're being very silly and completely illogical lately
Russia invade Ukraine. You could say they also oppressed them from WWII to about 1991 when USSR fell apart.
So Russia was the oppressor and the invader.
The two situations in that respect are not comparable.
Fatah, PFLP, The Alternative, Independent Palestine. Third Way, and others.44 % supported Hamas, what was their alternative lol