Israel under attack

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They are attempting to get the bomb

So best advised to sort em out prior to acquiring the bomb

There will be a serious confrontation with the mad mullets eventually so best advised to sort it prior to them getting the bomb

Only 1 country can do that.
Quote the whole sentence.
Yoiu're not becoming adept at using carefully selected part of a whole sentence

you implied Blinken said Iran was not involved

Blinken just said there is no evidence, not the same thing at all

You can apologise in your own time
There is no equivalence between a terrorist organisation and a legitimate govt.
You mean one group wear unifroms, have vastly technological advances weapons and are supported by the West. Whereas the other side aare in an armed struggle against their oppressors, with no uniforms and with whatever arms can be smuggled in, and the West designate them as terrorist because of it.
We are now finding out who the real Himmie is: you believe the same as protestors in Golders Green frightening the community.
Now you are in a fantasy land. I'm nowhere near Golders Green. :rolleyes:
You been taking lessons from gant?
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Now you are in a fantasy land. I'm nowhere near Golders Green. :rolleyes:
You been taking lessons from gant?
He didn't say you was. You want to simmer down on that keyboard and take stock of what's being said instead of going on with yourself.
Quite obviously Anthoiny Blinken's comment is in direct contrast to your claim
It is not.

I said “I bet” that is opinion, ie not evidence

Blinken said “no evidence”

same thing

You need to be more precise with your use of the English language…..especially as you teach it
You mean one group wear unifroms, have vastly technological advances weapons and are supported by the West. Whereas the other side aare in an armed struggle against their oppressors, with no uniforms and with whatever arms can be smuggled in, and the West designate them as terrorist because of it.

Despite embargoes to prevent the manufacture of weapons, Hamas managed to launch 5000 missiles in 1 single day, enough to overwhelm the Iron Dome protection system, they didn't raise the money needed for that on gofundme.
Despite embargoes to prevent the manufacture of weapons, Hamas managed to launch 5000 missiles in 1 single day, enough to overwhelm the Iron Dome protection system, they didn't raise the money needed for that on gofundme.
Blooms mask slipped again there and the use of the blind eye was called into operation.
Dare say there is plenty of evidence that the mad mullers are involved

But best to keep quiet may be ?? At this time ?

They are def in full control if hezbollah in the Lebanon

I can see the Americans taking direst action against ( hezbollah) them fruit cakes if it kicks off big time on that border
Dare say there is plenty of evidence that the mad mullers are involved

But best to keep quiet may be ?? At this time ?

They are def in full control if hezbollah in the Lebanon

I can see the Americans taking direst action against ( hezbollah) them fruit cakes if it kicks off big time on that border

There will, in the not too distant future, be an accident in an Iranian nuclear facility. There will be an outcry, Roy will be gutted, I doubt we'll ever find out who did it.
you literally said it, I’ve quoted it for you

you can apologise in your own time :LOL:
You think that says what you claim it says?
You're really desparate tonight.
I was quite clearly referring to the current Israel - Hamas conflict, which was in response to your comment.
So you think that Hamas terrorism is the same as Israel defending itself
Killing is killing. It doesn't make any difference who or why, it's still abhorrent.
If you disagree, then you are seeing the situation from one perspective only.
Where did I say that one killing is not the same as another?

However your second reference about one killing being the same as another was in referring to the Russian invasion of Ukraine:
Russia invade Ukraine. You could say they also oppressed them from WWII to about 1991 when USSR fell apart.
So Russia was the oppressor and the invader.
The two situations in that respect are not comparable.
You said “killing is killing”
now you are saying it’s not the same
But the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a totally different issue.

You are quite obviously either getting yourself confused or you are intentionally equivocating the different discussions.

To be totally transparent, the current killing of Palestinians by Israelis is no worse, nor no better than the killing of Israelis by Hamas.
They are both at war with each other, and the sad fact is that thay are both targetting civilians, including women and children.
The differences are:
1. israel is using technological advanced weapons to kill even more civilians.
2: Israel is committing war crimes, e.g, starving gazeans of water food and fuel, using white phosphorus, employing collective revenge, etc.
3, israel 's soldiers wear uniforms.
4 Israel is supported and assisted by the West. Hamas are supported by Iran.
5.Israel has oppressed Palestinians for decades.

The similarities are:
1. Both sides excacerbate the issue by retaliating with violence
2. Both sides commit war crimes by targetting civilians, including women and children.
3. Both sides claim historical ownership of the land.
That’s a lie

Blinken said “there’s no direct evidence”

he did not say “Iran are not involved”
I never said that. You really are descending to the level of gant with yoiur baseless unsupported accusations.
They are up to there eye balls in this Gaza caper

Not according to Anthony Blinken
You might know better. :rolleyes:
Anthony Blinken said "we don’t have direct evidence that Iran was involved in the attack, either in planning it or carrying it out."
How much clearer can that be?
Evidently, many are supposing that Iran was involved, but there is no evidence to support that suspicion.
Dunno why you bother to engage with dazzler

He is a complete fruit cake and supporter of hamas / taliban / and other such groups

Hates the Israelis and Jews

Posts up fake news and propaganda in support of these groups
You still obsessed by some fictional character?
He doesn't exist, I've proved it.
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