Israel under attack

Every progressional armies worst nightmare full scale

Urban warfare ??
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And the racism he spouts!
Please do find one tiny example of me being racist.

The baseless unsupported accusations are coming thick and fast recently.

It used to be just nwgs, gnat, ReganandCarter and fillyboy. All known liars and those making baseless accusations
Now Bod and Notch7 have jumped on the bandwagon, descending and resorting to the depths and tactics of the others.
Please do find one tiny example of me being racist.

The baseless unsupported accusations are coming thick and fast recently.

It used to be just nwgs, gnat, ReganandCarter and fillyboy. All known liars and those making baseless accusations
Now Bod and Notch7 have jumped on the bandwagon, descending and resorting to the depths and tactics of the others.
Having a different opinion to Roy Bloom
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday that it is not clear there was any involvement by Iran in the weekend attack by Hamas on Israel.

That's the same as saying there is no evidence of their involvement. Hhis exact words:
When it comes to this specific attack, in this moment, we don’t have direct evidence that Iran was involved in the attack, either in planning it or carrying it out."
If there was any hint of any evidence, do you not think that US couldn't wait to present it, or even to claim its existence?
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Israel has given the North of Gaza 24 hours warning to evacuate half of the Gaza territory.
UN says it's simply not possible to evacuate 1.1 million people in that time.
So far Israel has refused to withdraw its warning.
It's very much like giving residents too little time to evacuate a multi-storey apartment block before it's destroyed, it's a physical impossibility.

What Israel's objective is, is to occupy the North of Gaza, further squeezing Gazeans into a smaller open-air prison, one half the size of their current prison.
A central tenet of international humanitarian law, which is applicable to all participants, not only state actors, is that civilians should not be targeted. Additionally, it dictates that an attack must not be carried out if it is “expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof” that would be excessive in relation to the anticipated military gains.

Self defence, as cited by Israel in its response, is one of the justifications for war, with article 51 of the UN charter preserving this right “if an armed attack occurs”. However, the exercise of this right of self-defence is still subject to international humanitarian law. In other words, the lawful exercise of self-defence does not allow a state to have recourse to unlimited means, and is subject to jus in bello to minimise suffering in armed conflicts.

Israel is not a member of the ICC but Palestine joined in 2015, and crimes committed on the territory of Palestine (by any national, including non-Palestinians) and by Palestinian nationals (within its territory or outside) may fall within the jurisdiction of the ICC.

War Law@the Guardian

When Israel sends troops and tanks into Gaza the clock will begin ticking on their ability to conclude military operations swiftly, causing as few casualties and inflicting as little damage as possible before Palestinian protests across Europe begin to influence public opinion. Hamas will dig in and fight like rats, hoping to drag Hezbollah into the war in the North. I suspect America will tell the Israeli government they have two weeks to get it done as they're already supporting Ukraine and costing them a rich man's ransom in the process, annoying House Republicans and distracting Democrats from Biden's economic agenda.
That's the same as saying there is no evidence of their involvement. Hhis exact words:

If there was any hint of any evidence, do you not think that US couldn't wait to present it, or even to claim its existence?
Diplomacy not your strong point, why would they want to cheer it from the rafters.
I could understand you doing it because of that show pony side to you.
why doesn't hamas come out and fight like men,
They did and now it's described as terrorism. Damned if they do and damned if they don't. :rolleyes:

, they could avoid having to evacuate northern gaza if they just come out and put their fists up.
The UN have asked israel to withdraw the warning. it's unlikely that anything else will change their minds.
Please do find one tiny example of me being racist.

The baseless unsupported accusations are coming thick and fast recently.

It used to be just nwgs, gnat, ReganandCarter and fillyboy. All known liars and those making baseless accusations
Now Bod and Notch7 have jumped on the bandwagon, descending and resorting to the depths and tactics of the others.
More and more are getting the measure of you, that's all that's happening.
I appreciate he said there was no evidence of involvement

but Himmie used it as an argument to claim Iran were not involved.

Clearly Hamas got the weapons and funding from somewhere, it’s obvious that must’ve come from their allies
In an armed struggle against your oppressors, assistance from any quarter would be welcomed. :rolleyes:

I never said that Iran were not involved. I reponded to claims that Iran were involved from you and transam and others.
I countered that with "Anthony Blinken said there was no evidence".

Stop telling lies in your desparation.
More and more are getting the measure of you, that's all that's happening.
It's all a personal attack against me.
The real issue about the Israeli - Gaza conflict has been ignored by those desparate to score points.
They're exlploiting the issue to make baseless, unsupported accusations. I could quote them, but it would fill several pages, not one of them have any evidence presented in support of those baseless false accusations.

No worries, I'm not going anywhere. And those like you will continue to display your dishonesty.
they have no other choice
Of course they do. But any other tactic would not yield the gains that Israel wants.
It's operated land grabs for many years now. it's not likely to stop any time soon.
In squeezing Gaza into a smaller prison, Israel will have access to more land.
And any Gazeans unable to leave or refusing to leave Israel will excuse its slaughter by claiming they were warned to leave.
Karim Sadjadpour, a leading researcher on Iran, who served in Iran for four years for the International Crisis Group, says that even though Iran is a major funder for Hamas, it does not seem to have direct control over the Palestinian group. "Hamas is certainly not an Iranian puppet," he says. "They weren’t created by Iran but at the same time, if you take Iranian rhetoric at face value, there’s certainly a great deal of Iranian support for Hamas," including funding which Hamas may use to buy rockets and other materials through underground channels. He says that the Iranian revolutionary leadership, including the present leaders, are virulently anti-Israel, and if the [White House] is seeking a dialogue with Iran, it would be wise to not start with Israeli-Palestinian issues...if Iran wants to help arm groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, it’s easier to simply provide the finances for them to do it themselves. But to actually send arms from Iran and somehow get them into Gaza seems to be a very difficult and costly task.

Karim [email protected]
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