Notch7 is a proven liar, so anything he's says has to be read with that in mind.
I suppose supporting the Hamas evil terrorist group is an alternative viewpoint….just a very bad one
I have never expressed support for Hamas. And you have never presented any evidence to support your accusation. (did the dog eat your homewrok as well?

regarding A/73L.42
1) the resolution was put forward by USA, and votes wouldve been rather like Eurovision, ie USA haters voted against on principle
In your opinion it was the equivalent of the Eurovision.

And you've even been able to allocate the reason for the various countries who voted against it. Wow, that's some psychic powers you have.

But it at least shows that you've read it now.
2) it was not a resolution on whether or not to designate Hamas as terrirists, so doesn’t support your argument
What do you think it was, a vote on where to hold the next G7 meeting?
3) the resolution was voted for 87 in favour to 57 against -so UN general assembly voted majority in favour
You're convenientl;y ignoring the 33 abstentions. That makes it a a refusal to adopt the resolution under the UN voting regulations.
Your arguument is dishonest becasue you fail to present the whole picture.
4) have a look at those who voted against: haters of Israel, Kuwait, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan
You think these countries should be denied a vote, or their vote is somehow of less value than US or UK, etc?
What planet are you on?
I say again:
Some idiot thinks this isn't proof that UN do not consider Hamas as terrorists.
General Assembly Adopts Text Reiterating Call for Comprehensive Middle East Peace, after Failing to Pass Resolution Condemning Actions by Hamas in Gaza
Prior to adopting that draft, the
Assembly failed to adopt another text titled “Activities of Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza” (document A/73/L.42).
The representative of the United States — who introduced draft “
United States), introducing a draft resolution titled “Activities of Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza” (document A/73/
she stressed, “
The General Assembly must be on record condemning Hamas’ terrorism,"
The General Assembly decided today to reiterate its call for the achievement of just and lasting peace in the Middle East while also failing to adopt a text condemning actions by Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza.
It's there, plain as daylight.
Maybe the five syllable words confused them
The resolution was not accepted. UN do not designate Hamas as terrorists.
And because the wording of "other militant groups in Gaza" other militant groups in Gaza were also not designated as terrorists.
As sure as day follows night Israel is trying to sway public opinion that Hamas are like ISIS,, i.e. Islamic terorists.
Going back to the four objectives of so called terrorism, that I presented a day or so ago post 1124 of this thread:
Secondly, there are four identiable reasons for "terrorist" actions. (I'm using the words "terrorist actions" simply for convenience)
... terrorist actors are motivated differentially through four goal-oriented strains: socialism, nationalism, religious extremism or exclusionism.
Hamas is clearly not a religious extremist organisation. it has much more a nationalist goal.
As a movement, it tends to promote the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people)
As such the UN does not designate Hamas (nor Hezbollah) as terrorists.
Israel is trying to sway public opinion that Hamas are 'terrorsits' pursuing religious extremism. That is clearly not the goal of Hamas.