It has escalated..

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Not new, of course.


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Putin has always been looking to destabilise Europe, no doubt he had something to do with Hamas attack on Oct 7, I bet he has been funding Houthis.

things aren’t going for Russia in Ukraine, he is desperate to direct USA and all Western military abd funding away from Ukraine
Blame the Russians again. Lol.
Nothing of course to do with Britain flogging a country it didn't own to the Zionist movement over 100 years ago.
Some hoody fruit cake spokes man said that uK and US ships are legit targets for them

B52 air strike ??

Daisy cutter propane bomb ?
Perhaps Motorbiking will tell us its their own fault for "putting themselves in harms way."
Apparently these hoo tee fruit cakes reckon they are direct descendants of the prophet Mohammed ?? The chosen people ?
Great to see filly posting the Israeli side.

I'm not sure if he thinks he has found an excuse for Israel's genocide of Palestinians, though.

If I understand him correctly, he believes that children, hospital doctors and elderly ladies sheltering in a church are terrorists and must therefore be exterminated.

Interesting that he brings in a comparison to Nazism.

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Seemingly as a diversion.

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