Thinking about a golf club going into administration made me think about the EU going into administration, if it were possible. Which then led me onto the multiple expressions of wishes or predictions of the EU disappearing into a black hole (or the many such predictions of the anti-EU brigade).
If some countries did follow the example of UK and declare an exit from EU, those countries would invariably be member states that are beneficiaries of EU funds, i.e. they receive more than they pay.
So the EU would become richer, or they could return more funds to the countries that remain, or they could ask fewer payments of the remaining members. There would also be more contributions of trade tariffs.
Whichever way you look at it, the exit of member states that benefit from being a member, would strengthen the EU, not weaken it.
Of the member states considering an exit from the EU, the UK is the only one currently paying more than they receive. (I think, I'll have to check.)
Just checked: Denmark and Sweden, nominal net contributors.
France and Italy, major net contributors.
Czech Republic, Ireland, Hungary and Greece major net beneficiaries.
So two countries (France and Italy) would be sorely missed.
Two others would make little difference (Denmark and Sweden).
The four (Czech Republic, Ireland, Hungary and Greece) maybe the EU would happily wave goodbye, even give them a golden handshake?
Maybe the overhaul increase in trade tariffs will be equivalent to their contributions.