Jay Slater

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Missing teenager in Tenneriffe. I may be completely wrong but is it just me that thinks there’s something a bit fishy about all this? Something just doesn’t seem right.
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Ok not sure if you frequent tiktok etc however i noticed on a feed many comments about this lad. As above indeed its not quite as it seems below this article points out possibly why he may have 'dissapeared' . Revenge perhaps.

There's lots of chatter and speculation about what happened to him on tiktok and reddit. None of it good for his well being.
Ah, so he's no little innocent who wouldn’t harm a fly, liked by everyone and lights up a room when he walks into it then?
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He's from a few miles away from me, some of the apprentices at work know him.
Yeah he's a wrong un, machette attack and drug running, stole some of the dosh and got the rest stolen from him so apparently the higher ups want their money+ so the theory that he has wandered into the woods is seemingly the unlikely one.

What a waste of resources sending so many s&r there.
So what’s the theory? Fake disappearance or been disappeared? I thought it was odd that the parents were appealing for him to come home.

If he’s genuinely lost, I’m sure that will help.. not.
I thought it was odd that the parents were appealing for him to come home.
^ This. I'm sure that as soon has someone has made good his alleged losses, he'll miraculous stagger into the road as a car is passing. Either that or it’s an elaborate GoFundMe scam. I hear that’s doing well at the moment. Was there a GoFundMe page for Michael Mosely?
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Sounds like he was a 'wrong un' taking it out on another 'wrong un' according to some reports...

A familiar occurrence? ;)
Seems just like a typical pi55ed out of his head, clueless lad who decides to walk miles at night and has probably fallen in something.

A bit like that other pi55 head in who got in a bin and disappeared- probably squashed in the bin truck and dumped.
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