Blimey, if I were as bitter as you, could see nothing but bad with the UK and thought I was surrounded by idiots, you know what I wouldn’t do? Yep, I wouldn’t join a DIY forum and keep banging on about it because I’d have enough brains to know that it wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference."Raw deal for the young?"
So where do we begin?
Oh that's right, Education...
Normal kids even before the 'virus' were put into massive debt before even stepping out in to the 'adult world'.
It's even worse now of course, because the debt is the same but with no educational experience...
And has been mentioned earlier, no real chance of owning a roof over their head to call their own...
Yet alone having had their freedom of movement/education/work opportunities effectively snuffed out...
And with the current 'virus', no chance to interact with their peers and enjoy the most important few years of their lives...
And to add insult to injury, they are starting to be recruited to be injected with an alleged fatal disease to see what happens.
A 'virus' which we are repeatedly told only has mild effects on them, but the research is going to be done in order to give a few extra percentage points to the oldies who over the years have caused them an economic/social disaster!
Jab the old with the 'virus' instead of the young and see what happens