Joining the motorway (259)

There will always be another car; 'tis the nature of our road network.

You're not "out of the way of other cars" though, by your own admission - "I pulled up behind them, flashed my lights, then undertook them"........
You forgot the bit where I said the fool was doing 50mph on the fast lane on an empty motorway.
And rinse and repeat.

You admit that your progress trumps all others, and will do the above i.e. deliberately close up on other cars, to achieve your progress.

Your postings just reinforce the view of Audit drivers among others.
Read the bit in bolt.
You're probably one of the "safe" drivers making sure everyone have to do something dangerous to avoid you.
As long as you're safe...
They really almost exclusively on the public reporting crimes, without the public reporting crime, the police force would need to be astronomically large and impossible to fund. The police then filter the reports, to prioritise them.
One thing is reporting crime, another thing is to be a Karen and constantly report bad behaviour which wastes resources and makes zero difference for the public.
Police resources are down to the bones and officers are overworked and underpaid.
So they often give up and start wasting time with the Karen reports instead of tackling crime.
I don't blame them.
BTW, not everything most people think is a crime is really a crime.
You won't believe how many report rude behaviour thinking it's a crime.
Being rude, although unpleasant is not a crime.
Not complying with the directions of a store employee is not a crime (think covid times here).
Read the bit in bolt.
You forgot the bit where I said the fool was doing 50mph on the fast lane on an empty motorway

On your empty motorway, you reckon you'll move from lane 1 to lane 3 or even 4, tailgate "the fool" (at least we agree that is what they are; I have posted before on this)......

And then what?
Say they do move over: what then?
Will you then be "the fool" in the "fast lane" on an empty motorway, only this time speeding?

Or will you pull back to the inside lanes?
If so, why the histrionics? Just "blast past" in lane 1;after all, the motorway is empty...... this is what I do (I've posted so before).
But no. You've also posted that you're willing and ready to undertake them in lane 2 or 3, which even to you must be clearly, more obviously dangerous.

And then, you mock Harry for reporting dangerous driving.
Yet you see no irony in you slewing across the motorway, to tailgate, flash, and ultimately undertake other drivers.
At least Harry is only reporting.

Who do you think you are? Judge Dredd :ROFLMAO:

You're making stuff up now, and you still can't help looking stupid at best, and dangerously antagonistic at worst.
Say they do move over: what then?
Will you then be "the fool" in the "fast lane" on an empty motorway, only this time speeding?
No, I'll move back to the first available lane, as normal drivers do.
You've also posted that you're willing and ready to undertake them in lane 2 or 3, which even to you must be clearly, more obviously dangerous.
What else can one do when there's a fool crawling at snail speed on the last lane.
After they've been flashed, beeped and they've seen you, they insist on staying in the last lane, there's no much to do rather than pass them.
Or would you just sit behind them at 50mph hoping they'll move?
These fools think they're safe drivers.
Who do you think you are? Judge Dredd :ROFLMAO:
Believe me, if I was there would be much less traffic jams and a lot less arsehole on the road.
But I'm not, so I just accept that, sit tight and laugh at the "safe" drivers.