Keith Bennett



Ian Brady's advocate has been arrested for failing to reveal information as to the possible whereabouts of his body.

I personally hope his remains are found and that his mother can finally get some closure, if I could, I would help with the albeit gruesome search, then I would allow Brady to starve himself to death.... and that's from someone who is violently opposed to the death penalty.
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Are they not bound by some kind of oath such as doctors and priests?
In a case like this though if they are then it should be waived and give Winnie some 'peace' in her remaining time.
And then keep that ba$tard alive for as long as possible and deny him his wish.
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Are they not bound by some kind of oath such as doctors and priests?
In a case like this though if they are then it should be waived and give Winnie some 'peace' in her remaining time.
And then keep that ba$tard alive for as long as possible and deny him his wish.

They may well be, but both doctors and priests are required by law to pass on information where a criminal act has been perpetrated, which clearly in this case is obvious. Hope the bastard rots in hell.
After all this time, I reckon that Brady could only guess anyway where the body is.....he's just using this to effect his own terms.
John :)
After all this time, I reckon that Brady could only guess anyway where the body is.....he's just using this to effect his own terms.
John :)

No, if you commit crimes such as these and then have the public keep raising one particular item you will remember every last detail of it because it is kept at the forefront of your mind. You will play it over and over in your head and Ba$tard is not stupid, he knows if he can hold something back there will always be someone willing to pander to his wants in the hope of getting a tid-bit of information from him. I bet he can recall every last detail of where this poor child is buried. Keep him alive and in isolation with nothing but the bare necessities until he gives the details and they have been verified, then leave him to slowly rot. :evil:
And before someone brings up the likes of huntley, (doesn't deserve the respect of a capital letter for his name), and others they too should be treated like the scum they are.
He was probably buried in a hurry in the middle of a foggy night and doesn't have the 'foggiest' where the kid is. Why keep banging on about Brady? There are thousands like him. Why make him into a macabre celeb?
He was probably buried in a hurry in the middle of a foggy night and doesn't have the 'foggiest' where the kid is. Why keep banging on about Brady? There are thousands like him. Why make him into a macabre celeb?

Good Lord, I actually agree with Joe 90. Why do we insist on on bringing these names up? Why do the papers demonise some people when there are plenty of other murderers in the cells? If we are going to chase down missing bodies we should be asking all the families of murder vicitms to see if those bodies were recovered and place the same pressure on those murderers as we are Brady.

Please bear in mind, I honestly hope that the body is found for the sake of the family, but how many other families are out theremissing someone that we do not hear about?
I don't deny there are others out there just as bad, some even worse, but this ba$tard is nearing the end. If this poor childs remains are not discovered soon then his family will be serving a longer sentence than this ba$tard has. Anyone who commits murder should get life, hard life with no luxuries, but also every effort should be made to tracing their victims for the sake of the family. I would rather see one 'victim' found than a thousand 'non-insured' motorists caught.
We can all sit here and postulate about what should be done for these people. Some, such as myself advocate using every method avilable to find them, whilst others say it should be forgotten about and concentrate on todays crimes. Well ask yourself this, if it was your child would you give up on them? Would you allow this evil ba$tard to go to his grave 'laughing' at you and the authorities knowing your childs remains were laying in an unmarked place on a bleak moors where it may have been dug up by some wild animal and used as food? Don't assume that because he may be in a 'grave' his body has remained safe for all this time.
Its about time this country stopped pandering to the willy-nilly do-gooders and went back to the country we used to be. Respected by the outside world for our stand against injustice and our punishment of those who broke the law.
With todays technological advances that should be a very minute possibility but life is full of risks.
Brady is mentally ill. Is he a victim or perpetrator?
Brady a victim? Don't make me puke!
He is an out and out sadistic ba$tard who should have swung from a rope with his bitch over 40 years ago.
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