Keith Bennett

In my eyes people lose their human rights when they perpetrate certain acts.
If torturing Brady would have led to the finding of that childs body and given his poor mother some consolation before she died then why not?

There is mileage in what you say, but society does not lose its human rights, we rightly (and legally) live in a society, that enshrines the right to life, regardless of your actions..... this is very difficult to swallow sometimes, but it is what constitutes a civilised society, this of course means the the USA and China, cannot in my eyes be seen as civilised.

I think in this Utopia of yours that the criminal element would soon rule the roost with dire concequences.
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Its wrong to kill but there are those that think it is right to execute a killer? Can you see a flaw there?

As for torture, what constitutes torture? And under what circumstances? To find a dead body, is that okay? To find someone whos has been kidnapped? To find a precious heirloom that means the world to someone? For revenge on a GBH or a rape? Start torture for something and its a slippery slope, especially when it is based on what the victim values.
Brady should not be killed as thats what he wants but whats wrong is the authorites changing his cell into a hotel room . He should of been kept with nothing in the cell apart from a recording of winnie asking him where keiths buried repeatedly being played through the door to him .
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No I dont believe it doe's as he could easily end it by telling them where the body was (and back then the landscape would'nt of changed ) so it would be his choice to have to listen . People who are tortured have no choice but to have to accept it.
Slippery slope caveman.

You start waterboarding the likes of Brady (who was clearly mad as a hatter) when do you stop? You will soon have the likes of LastMagicBean demanding to be able to use cattle prods on the kids in the back of the car to grass up their mother for speeding.
Slippery slope caveman.

You start waterboarding the likes of Brady (who was clearly mad as a hatter) when do you stop? You will soon have the likes of LastMagicBean demanding to be able to use cattle prods on the kids in the back of the car to grass up their mother for speeding.

So, OK, if you think the law is wrong then you need to campaign to change it lawfully!

There's a difference between putting your views forward and actually going out to "change the world".
About 99.9% of the population are content to sit back and moan, same as me.
That's why we end up with gobsh*tes running the country, they were the only ones who could be bothered.
If you cared enough, you'd do something about it.

Those who do, do. Those that don't, sit back and moan.
Slippery slope caveman.

You start waterboarding the likes of Brady (who was clearly mad as a hatter) when do you stop? You will soon have the likes of LastMagicBean demanding to be able to use cattle prods on the kids in the back of the car to grass up their mother for speeding.

That was my point about torture.

I do not think torture or death penalty is justified.
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