Keith Bennett

But he's still mentally ill or he wouldn't behave like that. Statistically there are child abusers in this very forum.
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Unfortunately when you give prisoners publicity they will milk it for all they can. Once they are behind bars forget them. If they know the public is watching they will tease for all its worth just to see if they can get any benefit from it.
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Well let's take a mental illness like Schizophrenia, which is really quite nasty and capable of making you do things that you really shouldn't. And when you come round from your episode of insanity you often don't know you did it.

I was taught that 2% of us will get schizophrenia at some stage in our lives, and 1% of us have it now. Round figures, if I started to discuss incidence and prevalence it might confuse people, including me.

So there are people on here who might appear normal now, but are one day going to go nuts. Of course there are also people on here who appear nuts who don't have anything wrong with then, mentally that is. They are just lonely people with no friends.

Of course a lot of the people who have this condition are medicated and might behave relatively normal. Some are medicated and are still barking mad and need to be locked up.

It's the ones who have the problem and haven't yet been seen by the shrink that we need to worry about. Let's say Brady was one of the latter.

Those who have seen people who are completely wacko can only really have sympathy for them. It really isn't their fault, they have a disease and they behave in ways which we really cannot understand. Sometimes, quite often in fact, they impact on other people lives in quite a negative way. And it really isn't their fault, they are mad, completely barking mad, mad as a hatter, off their trolleys. And it's because they have an illness in the same way that people who take time off work for the flu have an illness.

Now does Brady fit into that category too?
Ill, or evil?
That is the question.
I reckon society isn't ready for that question yet.

Hmmm strange the amount of killers these days who claim they were ill at the time of their crimes and now get a namby pamby sentence. Safe in the knowledge they'll be out in 5 or 6 yrs.
Most are given indeterminate sentences - and will never be released.
If you say "paedophile" nowadays, the most common reaction is probably "hang 'em by their b###s", if they haven't been relieved of them first.

Now I don't know if some learned psychiatrist hasn't already published some research on the subject, but what if in 50 yrs time, the accepted viewpoint is that paedophiles are actually ill, not twisted, and that they should be "cared for", and treated - like I said, society is not ready for that way of thinking.
If you say "paedophile" nowadays, the most common reaction is probably "hang 'em by their b###s", if they haven't been relieved of them first.

Now I don't know if some learned psychiatrist hasn't already published some research on the subject, but what if in 50 yrs time, the accepted viewpoint is that paedophiles are actually ill, not twisted, and that they should be "cared for", and treated - like I said, society is not ready for that way of thinking.

paedophilia is classed as a mental illness in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it has been recognised since the late 19th century, .. all that time and still no "cure"
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