Keith Bennett

You sit there all high and mighty thinking you have the moral upper hand whereas in reality, you are just as bad as the likes of Brady!

That's half your problem pal, you think in terms of morals. I don't give a toss about morals, I care about what is right. In Brady's case it would have been perfectly right to torture the information out of him if he had it to tell.
If you are too sqeamish to do it look away while somebody with some balls does it. :rolleyes:

You care about what is right. No you don't, you care about what you think is the right thing to do.

That's not to say it is.
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A man goes out, kidnaps, tortures and murders somebody else's child.
Then when caught refuses to help find where he buried the body.
I know what's right in that situation, I'm not interested in your "moralising".
:rolleyes: i truly believe, unless you are actually faced with that situation....................some monster has raped and murdered your small child.........that you cant really say what you would feel for the perpetrator.

Incident last year with my youngest - school did their damnedest to protect the scumbag involved. They totally failed to see how a parent could be upset when a serious incident happened on their watch.

Was the scumbag bothered about 'the system' and weak punishment? Nah.
Seems the thought of bumping into a protective father was the bigger worry for him.

As for leaving it to the proper authorities - besides the fact there were several witnesses, including the Deputy Head, serious visible injuries and him admitting to it. CPS thought they weren't strong enough grounds to prosecute.

Summary Justice is a better option.
A man goes out, kidnaps, tortures and murders somebody else's child.
Then when caught refuses to help find where he buried the body.
I know what's right in that situation, I'm not interested in your "moralising".

Just because YOU think it's right, does not mean it is right.

And I'm not your pal.
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Just because YOU think it's right, does not mean it is right.

Just because you and all of the other lilly livered wimps in the world think it's wrong doesn't mean it's wrong either.
It may be wrong in the eyes of the law, but the law should be there to protect innocents above all else.
This case is a perfect example of how far out of wack the system is, once Brady and Hindley's guilt was established beyond any doubt, they should have been made to tell exactly were those bodies were buried, and summarily disposed of afterwards.
Now that all these years have passed and Brady seems to want to die, I say keep him alive as long as possible, that is the only thing I differ with LMB on.
:rolleyes: i truly believe, unless you are actually faced with that situation....................some monster has raped and murdered your small child.........that you cant really say what you would feel for the perpetrator.

Its the difference between subjective and objective. I think anyone would understand a parent wishing to hurt an individual who has hurt their child. The police certainly understand it. No I don't wish Brady to be tortured, but I still wish he would tell the authourities where Keith is buried, then I would not be opposed to him starving himself to death, his passing however, would not be reported, and his body would be cremated, with no mark or memorial, his ashes spread somewhere ironic. His name expunged from history.
In my eyes people lose their human rights when they perpetrate certain acts.
If torturing Brady would have led to the finding of that childs body and given his poor mother some consolation before she died then why not?

There is mileage in what you say, but society does not lose its human rights, we rightly (and legally) live in a society, that enshrines the right to life, regardless of your actions..... this is very difficult to swallow sometimes, but it is what constitutes a civilised society, this of course means the the USA and China, cannot in my eyes be seen as civilised.
Just because YOU think it's right, does not mean it is right.

Just because you and all of the other lilly livered wimps in the world think it's wrong doesn't mean it's wrong either.
It may be wrong in the eyes of the law, but the law should be there to protect innocents above all else.

Got there eventually!

So, OK, if you think the law is wrong then you need to campaign to change it lawfully!

Or, if you think the law is adequate, but not upheld or enforced adequately, then you should campaign for that.

But to sit there and say things like

I think it's right to torture or kill somebody because he's done that to somebody else and therefore thrown away his human rights...

is just wrong.

And that is what makes the difference between a civilised society and one that isn't.
Just because YOU think it's right, does not mean it is right.

Just because you and all of the other lilly livered wimps in the world think it's wrong doesn't mean it's wrong either.
It may be wrong in the eyes of the law, but the law should be there to protect innocents above all else.

Got there eventually!

So, OK, if you think the law is wrong then you need to campaign to change it lawfully!

I agree.

Or, if you think the law is adequate, but not upheld or enforced adequately, then you should campaign for that.

But to sit there and say things like

I think it's right to torture or kill somebody because he's done that to somebody else and therefore thrown away his human rights...

is just wrong.

And that is what makes the difference between a civilised society and one that isn't.

I agree.
And LMB, I can't believe you have the nerve to tell me that I would make a complete U-turn on one of my staunchest beliefs!

No, your kind of staunch belief is the very reason our country has been brought to it's knees in terms of decency.
You have sold law and order down the b*stard river.

Always someone else's problem. (until it happens to you)

Bloody liberals.
And LMB, I can't believe you have the nerve to tell me that I would make a complete U-turn on one of my staunchest beliefs!

No, your kind of staunch belief is the very reason our country has been brought to it's knees in terms of decency.
You have sold law and order down the b*stard river.

Always someone else's problem. (until it happens to you)

Bloody liberals.

no, just decent... sorry i cannot agree with you on that.
And I shall say to you, kind sir, just what I said to sooey...

If you don't like the way the law works, the way to tackle the situation is to campaign for change, not sit there ranting about your uncivilised beliefs.

If you feel so strongly about it, which you obviously do, your time and effort would be far better spent positively campaigning for change than letting off steam on a forum, no?

And I don't know why you can't disagree with somebody without having to make it personal.
LastMagicBean's solution does appear to be further violence. Preferably meted out by the cops who he would have immune to the 'law and order' he so craves.
In my eyes people lose their human rights when they perpetrate certain acts.
If torturing Brady would have led to the finding of that childs body and given his poor mother some consolation before she died then why not?

I could not agree with you more, so i must also be an animal, on two occasions i have interviened for a damsel in distress while others look the other way, in my eyes they are cowards, if you haven't got the balls what are you?? i would prefer to be likened to an animal than certain human beings!!
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