Knife attack in Nice

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Was it not published again because of the court case?
And France is free. It's free to do what it likes.

Yes, and yes. We are all free to **** people off.

But there is an important difference in these cases - the people doing the publishing are not always the people getting killed because of it. After the first time it was published there was not only the Charlie Hebdo killings, but also later the Paris terror attacks that killed 130 people and injured many more.

I think it is safe to say that nobody here supports terrorism and murder. Everybody here supports freedom of speech. But, you have to know when to stop being antagonistic if you don't want repercussions. Republishing these cartoons, and creating new ones, is just waving a red flag at a bull, then acting shocked that the bull charges.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to put other people's lives at risk if you don't have the means to protect them.
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Yes, and yes. We are all free to **** people off.

But there is an important difference in these cases - the people doing the publishing are not always the people getting killed because of it. After the first time it was published there was not only the Charlie Hebdo killings, but also later the Paris terror attacks that killed 130 people and injured many more.

I think it is safe to say that nobody here supports terrorism and murder. Everybody here supports freedom of speech. But, you have to know when to stop being antagonistic if you don't want repercussions. Republishing these cartoons, and creating new ones, is just waving a red flag at a bull, then acting shocked that the bull charges.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to put other people's lives at risk if you don't have the means to protect them.

Fair point
Yes, and yes. We are all free to **** people off.

But there is an important difference in these cases - the people doing the publishing are not always the people getting killed because of it. After the first time it was published there was not only the Charlie Hebdo killings, but also later the Paris terror attacks that killed 130 people and injured many more.

I think it is safe to say that nobody here supports terrorism and murder. Everybody here supports freedom of speech. But, you have to know when to stop being antagonistic if you don't want repercussions. Republishing these cartoons, and creating new ones, is just waving a red flag at a bull, then acting shocked that the bull charges.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to put other people's lives at risk if you don't have the means to protect them.
Were the Paris terror attacks because of Charlie Hebdo? I thought it was IS, the same that did the UK.

Don't give in to terrorism. It's not waving a red flag - well, it shouldn't be. It's a flippin cartoon which is met in turn with murder.
Republishing these cartoons, and creating new ones, is just waving a red flag at a bull, then acting shocked that the bull charges.
Where does it stop...Do not criticise Christians about Noahs Ark,creationism.Do not mention blood transfusions to infinitum.Do we leave it at religion..or extend it to politics etc....say nout incase someone chops your head off.
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We had all this with them. Satanic verses

And some fatwa from. The fruit cakes in Iran

Some UK Islamists was involved in getting the fatwa

Got interviewed and told the interviewer to be care what he said or ne coukd end up in the Bunker with rushdie
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to put other people's lives at risk if you don't have the means to protect them.
That is a bizarre backside first point of view..The Nice attack lady was not offending anyone when she was decapititated.
Were the Paris terror attacks because of Charlie Hebdo? I thought it was IS, the same that did the UK.

Don't give in to terrorism. It's not waving a red flag - well, it shouldn't be. It's a flippin cartoon which is met in turn with murder.

Correct...................And curtailing freedom of speech leads to censorship, a slippy slope.
It shouldn't.
Every single Islamic leader over the world should publicly and very very loudly condemn these actions, over and over again until the handful of offended nutters get it though their thick skulls that it's not their place to be judge, jury and executioner.

This is the kind of nonsensical, weak response we are being led to recite by the media every time one of these attacks happens, and because of it the attacks will keep happening.

The only correct response would be to expel all muslims from all of the civilised countries of the world. France has more muslims than we do, and they they are multiplying quickly, and because of this French civil freedom is being eroded quickly. There are attacks by muslims on churches in France week in, week out. These attacks are the advance guard of what is to come. it is systematic destruction but you will not see it presented this way on the news. It will happen in Britain too as muslim numbers increase.

But never mind, just light your candles, get a tattoo of a bee and then forget about it.
This is the kind of nonsensical, weak response we are being led to recite by the media every time one of these attacks happens, and because of it the attacks will keep happening.

The only correct response would be to expel all muslims from all of the civilised countries of the world. France has more muslims than we do, and they they are multiplying quickly, and because of this French civil freedom is being eroded quickly. There are attacks by muslims on churches in France week in, week out. These attacks are the advance guard of what is to come. it is systematic destruction but you will not see it presented this way on the news. It will happen in Britain too as muslim numbers increase.

But never mind, just light your candles, get a tattoo of a bee and then forget about it.
You cannot expel all muslim people because of a few nutters.
That also doesn't take into account the 'home grown' religious nutters.

It's not a solution, though I know you'd love it to be.
Republishing these cartoons, and creating new ones, is just waving a red flag at a bull, then acting shocked that the bull charges.

I get it now. Let's give up free speech in case we upset a mad islamic bull. I wonder if one day, you lost a loved one to these muslim nutters. Would you then post to all on the interweb about how it's ok cos someone drew a cartoon. Tell me are you an extreme Muslim?
You cannot expel all muslim people because of a few nutters.
That also doesn't take into account the 'home grown' religious nutters.

It's not a solution, though I know you'd love it to be.

What do you mean "home grown' religious nutters"? Are you, for balance, talking about nutters of other religions beside islam? This is another stupid, weak response. Islam is an evil, subjugating religion - other religions practiced in Britain are harmless. You want to throw the Christian baby out with the islamic bathwater.
I am surprised to say the least anyone is remotely insinuating we shouldn't be allowed to act within the boundaries of Western cultures such as freedom of expression.
And let's not get the two confused what's offensive about going to church this poor lady was innocent. As I also had to point out to dumb n dumber on the first few posts on this thread.
I wonder why the narrative is being described as a "terrorist attack", when in fact its not the pursuit of a political agenda by use of violence. It is plain old religious violence based on racism carried out by Islamists. Again.

I mean, what kind of "civilised" race goes about hacking and beheading random people in the street, in 2020? Backward race that's who. FFS
What do you mean "home grown' religious nutters"? Are you, for balance, talking about nutters of other religions beside islam? This is another stupid, weak response. Islam is an evil, subjugating religion - other religions practiced in Britain are harmless. You want to throw the Christian baby out with the islamic bathwater.
The British Christian ones who convert to the Muslim faith, turn to extremism then blow up citizens in the UK and overseas. The ones who are born here too, the ones who are raised by good honest, peace loving Muslims who then convert to extremism to go and chop off people's heads for whatever reason.

You cannot remove all Muslims from this country and every other non-muslim country. It's not feasible. Weak response is yours am afraid.
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