Labour councillor inciting violence.

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What do you think about the Hamas invasion of Israel and the murder and kidnap of innocent people?
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The Israel argument is a complicated one and has implications worldwide, not least in this country. I've always made my position clear in that I'm no fan of Netanyahu and I believe the settlement programme in the West Bank is illegal and should be reversed
But you don’t condemn the atrocities committed in Gaza
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Neither would I. I never cease to be amazed at the number of people who cower behind the safety of a computer screen and won’t even reveal their gender, what they do for a living or even the county they live in and don’t get me started on those that join up under multiple user names when every identity behaves the same as the last! If they were the type that stood on a soap box on Hyde Park corner, they’d be wearing a paper bag over their head and put on a false accent. Of course, I’ll sit back now and wait for the screams of 'Stalker' for just expecting common courtesies in conversation from the usual suspects…..
So you're another that thinks it's a good idea to share personal information on lots of places on the Internet.

Ever heard of security ?

Most, if not all, would advise that you share as little info as possible. Hacks happen regularly
No it isn't

Either you support Israel's invasions, apartheid and genocide

Or you don't.

You do

I don't.
I support Israel’s punishment of those, and those that support or stand by and do nothing, when they were invaded, raped, murdered and taken hostage. Hopefully at the end of it, Palestinians or certain factions of Palestinians will have been taught a painful lesson.

In reality, no different when the RAF carpet bombed whole cities during the war.
I support Israel’s punishment of those, and those that support or stand by and do nothing, when they were invaded, raped, murdered and taken hostage. Hopefully at the end of it, Palestinians or certain factions of Palestinians will have been taught a painful lesson.

In reality, no different when the RAF carpet bombed whole cities during the war.
another that only sees 1 side
So you're another that thinks it's a good idea to share personal information on lots of places on the Internet.
How personal are we talking here - colour of socks? Favourite foods?
Ever heard of security ?
Yeah. I don't think it unreasonable if I’m conversing with you online that you know my first name, my rough age, what I do/did for a living and what county I live in. It helps context.
"invaded, raped, murdered and taken hostage"

Vast numbers of Palestinians.

How personal are we talking here - colour of socks? Favourite foods?
If you need to prove identity. What would you expect to have to provide? Socks, foods just irrelevant, or lack of thinking

All stuff that is useful to criminals
If you need to prove identity. What would you expect to have to provide? Socks, foods just irrelevant, or lack of thinking

All stuff that is useful to criminals
I can only speak from experience. In the past I’ve belonged to several car and motorcycle forums which also had GD or 'off topic' sections. There was an ‘introductions, section where you could introduce yourself and most people got to know each other by name, we used to buy, sell and swap stuff which involved knowing who we were dealing with, we had regular bi-monthly meetings at pubs as well as a Christmas get together. There was never the kind of bitter bickering and pure hatred that you see on this forum - often purely based on how you voted in general elections and referendums.
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