too big cuts and too quickly
Spending has increased every year slightly above inflation, this information is readily accessible.
2008 - 570 billion
209 - 631 billion
2010 - 654 billion
2011 - 690 billion
2012 - 703 billion (projected)
2012 is the first year of actual cuts (in that the increase from 690 to 703 billion is less than inflation).
The deficit is still 126 or so billion pounds for 2012.
(to put that into context, if you taxed the top 10% at 100% instead of 40%, that would only raise another 60 billion or so (assuming they paid 100% tax)). And tax income has only fallen by several hundred billion from the crash.
I am not a tory voter, but please don't buy into this deceitful and lying labour "To many cuts to soon" or "Savage cuts".
This government like the last is hemorrhaging money.
£80bn public spending cuts
Cuts in some departments, overall spending has risen, governments own figures show this, why do you lie?
Police budget cuts by 16%
The police and the military should not have been cut, I agree, but these cuts are chicken feed in the economy.
Council funding rose above inflation year on year preceding the crash, in fact it doubled under labour, if they had kept spending in control, it wouldn't need cutting.
State pension rises, costing £5bn per year
Errr, that's not a cut silly, that's further expenditure
500'000 public sector jobs gone by 2015
1. You know the year is 2012 right? Future cuts affecting the now? hmmm.
2. Do we really need 6 MILLION public servants?
Chicken feed.
Again, this is not a pro tory post, they are both as bad as each other.