
Corruption exists in any large institution. (I should know; working where I do :rolleyes: )

The truth of the matter is you can never get 100% professionalism or compliance. You have to let 'the weed' grow before you can pluck it!

That’s just life, sadly...
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No wonder you repeatedly change your identity on here :rolleyes: I guess you read back the 5hite you write and realise you seldom make any sense at all. And then you disappear for a short while (thank fook)

Outside of the electricians forum no one works harder than you to make to no sense.
And your contribution to the subject under discussion is:.......
Abusive usual. :rolleyes:
No wonder you repeatedly change your identity on here :rolleyes: I guess you read back the 5hite you write and realise you seldom make any sense at all. And then you disappear for a short while (thank fook).


Outside of the electricians forum no one works harder than you to make to no sense.

You obviously don't spend much time in the plumbing dept. ;)
The truth of the matter is you can never get 100% professionalism or compliance. You have to let 'the weed' grow before you can pluck it!

That’s just life, sadly...

You mean before you can smoke it. :rolleyes:
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You obviously don't spend much time in the plumbing dept. ;)
I need to spend more time there. Spent the past week trying to get a sink trap with 40 mm sink fitting and a 30mm output to accommodate my old house fitting. Was told there's no such thing.

Ended up using a 40/32 reducer and cut a 40 mm pipe just a few inches long to interface, if that made sense.. :confused:
Corruption exists in any large institution.
The truth of the matter is you can never get 100% professionalism or compliance. You have to let 'the weed' grow before you can pluck it!

That’s just life, sadly...
There may be a degree of logic in your view BT, but that doesn't mean that you ignore it, pander to it, or participate in it when you are aware of it.
That's rather like seeing a health and safety hazard, so you ignore it or add to it, or in your way, wait for it to become worse before tackling it.
The sooner the problem is 'plucked', the smaller, less destructive and less endemic is the problem. Plus it sets the standard. In addition, the treatment is so less disruptive and so much more effective.

In the instances of the Met behaving as they have done, either it was a climate permeated from the top. Or it was a general approach to work endemic in the oganisation, that surely the top levels must have been aware of and did nothing. (it wouldn't be the first time I've been aware of that kind of behaviour in my experience, although not relevant to prejudice). Or, and I hope that this was the situation, it was a poblem limited to a small group of corrupt officers.

Sadly, there are so many incidents that cause me to suspect that it wasn't the latter. (1. behaviour in this instance, e.g. document shredding, withholding of evidence, collusion. 2 Hillsborough. 3. Jean Charles de Menezies, to mention just three incidents. I'm sure that we can all think of more.)
OK, I know this isn't a law but the other evening, there was a programme on about the success of black female singers - surely they are just singers? So that programme was designed to be racist.

Urban Mythology again. If not, how about a link so that we can make up ou own minds rather than rely on your interpretation? :rolleyes:

Ha ha, I can't believe you are questioning what I was watching on tv. You probably didn't see it as you live in France.
Ha ha, I can't believe you are questioning what I was watching on tv. You probably didn't see it as you live in France.
We have TV in France. :rolleyes: I have Sky. There's also the internet. :rolleyes: I can't imagine what programme you were referring to. So enlighten me.
You obviously don't spend much time in the plumbing dept. ;)
I need to spend more time there. Spent the past week trying to get a sink trap with 40 mm sink fitting and a 30mm output to accommodate my old house fitting. Was told there's no such thing.

Ended up using a 40/32 reducer and cut a 40 mm pipe just a few inches long to interface, if that made sense.. :confused:

If it's for a kitchen sink, the pipe from t would normally be 40mm/1.5". As for the 30mm (32mm) pipe, there is some variation in size between solvent weld and push-fit pipe so that people don't put solvent weld fittings on a pipe that's designed for push fit and vice versa. Compression waste fittings are the answer, as they will fit both types of pipe. This may explain discrepancy in pipe sizes on your existing pipe.
Try having an awards do for whites only. You couldn't and tbh I don't think you should. So why is there a black only one? So the likes of roguehanger can feel good about themselves for helping the "poor downtroddens".
Also helps to segregate between races.
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Ha ha, I can't believe you are questioning what I was watching on tv. You probably didn't see it as you live in France.
We have TV in France. :rolleyes: I have Sky. There's also the internet. :rolleyes: I can't imagine what programme you were referring to. So enlighten me.[/QUOTE]

Wow, you're really plumbing the depths now. that's a US magazine for black women.
So how was it racist? :rolleyes:
What a plonker. :LOL: :LOL:
How come you were reading a US magazine for black women? :eek: :eek:
Is there a clue in your nom de plume? :eek:
Try having an awards do for whites only. You couldn't and tbh I don't think you should. So why is there a black only one? So the likes of roguehanger can feel good about themselves for helping the "poor downtroddens".
Also helps to segregate between races.
Yet another dopey response. :rolleyes: See the previous reply and think about it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'm beginning to despair in the intelligence, or lack of it, of some posters.
Certainly explains their outlook on life. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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