Legalising cannabis

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Some people are their own worst enemies.
People with good intentions go out of their way to try and help vulnerable people with addictions, they give time and effort to try and get victims of addiction back on the straight and narrow path of life.
The government undermines these good people by pandering to the Liberal lunatics who believe that anyone should have the right to destroy their own and others lives if they want to.
The government is now supplying more drugs to addicts than organised crime.
Instead of trying to support these addicts by taking them to an institution, where an intensive course of treatment can get the addict clean, the government, in its wisdom thinks its a better idea to supply drugs like methodone, free on the NHS, this leads to a life of dependency by these unfortunates.
Apologies, i thought you were pro legalisation of Cannabis.
If a regulated Cannabis of defined strength and purity can be no more harmful than lager, and less harmful than whisky, I believe that it should be regulated and sold from licenced premises under the supervision of a responsible DPS and subject to official inspection in the same way. The trade should not be controlled by criminals.

Alcohol should no more be sold on the streets than cannabis. And no less.

Methadone addiction treatment has nothing to do with Cannabis.

Read the title of this thread and try to stay on topic.
Information for prospective growers of low THC cannabis (industrial hemp), for the production of seed and fibre only.
Your wrong. Hemp is a relatively lower strength cannabis. From the same link. Due to a nearby shop that sells seed I do know that some smoke it. They sell it for other purposes.
Hemp is the male plant and subsequently doesn't produce flowers which become the psychoactive ingredient of the buds that are highly prized by growers and stoners alike. You can smoke as much of it as you like - all day, in fact, without a hint of a buzz.
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Some people are their own worst enemies.
People with good intentions go out of their way to try and help vulnerable people with addictions, they give time and effort to try and get victims of addiction back on the straight and narrow path of life.
The government undermines these good people by pandering to the Liberal lunatics who believe that anyone should have the right to destroy their own and others lives if they want to.
The government is now supplying more drugs to addicts than organised crime.

Instead of trying to support these addicts by taking them to an institution, where an intensive course of treatment can get the addict clean, the government, in its wisdom thinks its a better idea to supply drugs like methodone, free on the NHS, this leads to a life of dependency by these unfortunates.
Be sensible, Vinty, or you risk being labelled a nutter.
Or if you're going to make outlandish claims, then support them with some data.
Drug rehab doesn't always work because individuals may not take it seriously. There are many different reasons why rehabilitation may work for some but not others. Every person is different and is at a different stage of their personal journey into recovery.
the majority of cannabis-dependent individuals who enter treatment have difficulty in achieving and maintaining abstinence.
Methadone addiction treatment has nothing to do with Cannabis.
Buspirone is the only medication to date that has shown efficacy for cannabis dependence in a controlled clinical trial.
One wonders if those that oppose the legalisation of cannabis (or other drugs) also oppose the reported plan to further curtail the use of tobacco in public places?
One wonders if those that oppose the legalisation of cannabis (or other drugs) also oppose the reported plan to further curtail the use of tobacco in public places?
I'd bet they do not - apparently they'd be happy to have Mexico's anti-smoking laws, the strictest in the's even banned in some private homes - but how do they enforce such laws? A couple of hombre's pop round with a bucket of water, or what? And considering the amount of cannabis in the country it's almost farcical.
I'd bet they do not - apparently they'd be happy to have Mexico's anti-smoking laws, the strictest in the's even banned in some private homes - but how do they enforce such laws? A couple of hombre's pop round with a bucket of water, or what? And considering the amount of cannabis in the country it's almost farcical.
One man's drug is another drug baron's 'bonus'...

And talking of a bonus, apparently garbage will no longer be a 'man of the pub' if this goes ahead...

Although he'll no doubt use it as an 'attack on freedom' campaign...

Ironic, because he has done more to attack freedom and line his own pockets than most other people around today...

And probably also because of his links to tobacco companies :rolleyes:
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