Legalising cannabis

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Controlled drugs are drugs named in misuse of drugs legislation. Cannabis is a Class B controlled drug listed in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and in the Misuse of Drugs Designation Order 2015.
If your company or organisation want to cultivate industrial hemp you need to apply for a controlled drugs domestic licence.
If you are a new or existing grower read our hemp factsheet for information on the licensing process for industrial hemp.
Licences for industrial hemp are generally valid for 3 growing seasons. The licence only allows for the industrial use of the seed and fibre, which are non-controlled parts of the hemp plant. The licence does not allow for the use of the flowers or leaves (‘green’ or controlled materials).

Traditionally hemp seed used for fishing was boiled but some seeds still did grow into plants if left on the ground.
Hemp was made illegal to grow in the US after lobbying by Dupont chemicals who wanted their market share and insisted the production led to cannabis use - total fabrication, but when WWII came along the Navy realised it needed hemp for rope, uniforms, blankets and all kinds of other uses so the Federal Government allowed farmers to grow it again. After the war, it was once again decriminalised until the 90s, i think, when New Age types began to realise how useful the plant really is.
I didn't miss the point you were trying clumsily to make.
But as you were trying to score points with your sarcastic comments, rather than concentrating on making your point, I ignored it.
And I responded in the same tone that you had set.

if you want a reasonable discussion, you need to discuss it on a reasonable level, not resort to sarcastic comments in a clumsy attempt at point scoring.

Nothing sarcastic or clumsy about my posts. You are clumsy by missing my original point! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Nothing sarcastic or clumsy about my posts. You are clumsy by missing my original point! :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Your posts were sarcastic and trying to point score.
Your attempt at making a point was clumsy and got lost in your conflation of legislation of two entirely different things. :rolleyes:
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total fabrication
Information for prospective growers of low THC cannabis (industrial hemp), for the production of seed and fibre only.
Your wrong. Hemp is a relatively lower strength cannabis. From the same link. Due to a nearby shop that sells seed I do know that some smoke it. They sell it for other purposes.
Your posts were sarcastic and trying to point score.
Your attempt at making a point was clumsy and got lost in your conflation of legislation of two entirely different things. :rolleyes:

Nope, only you not reading my post right! You are very sarcastic....
But we're still at the point where the only defence of legal alcohol, illegal cannabis is 'tradition'.

Not science, not minimising harms, Cannabis is illegal because it was once made illegal and so must stay illegal.
Basically yes, which is why we don't eat dog. Justifying legalising one because the other is legal is an irrational approach.
Prohibiting a low-harm item, white permitting a high-harm item, is not sensible or rational

Unless you make money out of the tobacco trade, and accept that your profits cost the lives of others.
Basically yes, which is why we don't eat dog. Justifying legalising one because the other is legal is an irrational approach.
No, it isn't. It is taking an evidence based approach to risk. That's what the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs is for, they think it's over policed.

Nor does comparing it to dog meat make any sense. Millions of people aren't buying dog meat every week in the UK illegally. There is a strong culture of Cannabis use in the UK, you just don't seem to like that fact.
Nope, only you not reading my post right! You are very sarcastic....
The responsibility is on the writer to communicate their thoughts. If the author's words are easily misunderstood, they were clumsily written.
The responsibility is not on the reader to ensure the words are interpreted as the writer intended. (That may not be true in other languages than English)
Otherwise we could all write rubbish, and claim the reader misinterpreted our words. :rolleyes:
English is a writer-responsible language.

The title of this text asks you to consider the question of whose job it is to make “good” writing. For native English speakers, this may seem like an easy question to answer; it’s the writer’s job, of course!

Don't be an irresponsible writer.
The responsibility is on the writer to communicate their thoughts. If the author's words are easily misunderstood, they were clumsily written.
The responsibility is not on the reader to ensure the words are interpreted as the writer intended. (That may not be true in other languages than English)
Otherwise we could all write rubbish, and claim the reader misinterpreted our words. :rolleyes:
English is a writer-responsible language.

Don't be an irresponsible writer.

Try not to be clumsy when reading posts...
No, it isn't. It is taking an evidence based approach to risk. That's what the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs is for, they think it's over policed.

Nor does comparing it to dog meat make any sense. Millions of people aren't buying dog meat every week in the UK illegally. There is a strong culture of Cannabis use in the UK, you just don't seem to like that fact.
Its partially criminalised which is a disaster. I would prefer to see govey and borris locked up for their coke use.
Prohibiting a low-harm item, white permitting a high-harm item, is not sensible or rational

Unless you make money out of the tobacco trade, and accept that your profits cost the lives of others.
The government claims it wants to abolish tobacco use because it damages peoples health.
Yet you believe that the government should legalise a product which is known to damage peoples health.
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