Sorry, missed the question about the benefits. A few examples below:
1. The freedom to manage our own laws without European oversight. If you want specific examples of the negative effect of EU blanket law application i can give them to you.
2. End free movement of people. I want to be able to control who we allow to live and work here, not have our hands tied about skillsets, numbers etc
3. The freedom to create and flex trade agreements and tariffs with the rest of the world on our own terms. The rest of the world is a much bigger market than the EU.
4. End the nett outflow of money to the EU. Reason should be obvious
5. End automatic alignment with EU standards. By automatically aligning with EU standards we limit
etc etc
I don't long for the break up of the EU. I voted remain at the referendum on the basis that if we stayed then, with the assistance of other like minded EU members, we might have been able to change its course. However, i've concluded that that won't happen any time soon and we're better off out in many, many ways.