Lucy Letby case - Evidence discussion thread

With her confessions, how would that work.
Plenty of cases where innocent people have confessed.

I can easily imagine a scenario where a person constantly getting blamed, would feel guilt. Its human nature to question if you did the right thing.
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Plenty of cases where innocent people have confessed.

I can easily imagine a scenario where a person constantly getting blamed, would feel guilt. Its human nature to question if you did the right thing.

I was replying to your post where you said........"There is even the possibility that another killer framed her."......When I said........"With her confessions, how would that work.

By the way, they were not confessions the police got out of her, but written confessions at home prior to her arrest.
Just why would she do that?
I was replying to your post where you said........"There is even the possibility that another killer framed her."......When I said........"With her confessions, how would that work.

By the way, they were not confessions the police got out of her, but written confessions at home prior to her arrest.
Just why would she do that?
I saw that she wrote her feelings down on paper, i.e. despair at not being able to care for the babies or some such.
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I saw that she wrote her feelings down on paper, i.e. despair at not being able to care for the babies or some such.

On a post it note, and I quote.........

"Letby had also written on the green Post-it note: "I don’t deserve to live. I killed them on purpose because I’m not good enough to care for them. I am a horrible evil person.”

This was written before she was arrested, there are others if you care to look.
I saw that she wrote her feelings down on paper, i.e. despair at not being able to care for the babies or some such.
Correct (y)

Densely written on Post-it notes and a torn sheet of paper, they were overwritten in places and sometimes highlighted in capitals. They included the words: “I am evil I did this,” “I killed them on purpose because I am not good enough to care for them and I am a horrible evil person,” and “hate.”

But in the same notes Letby also said: “Not good enough”, “Why me?”, “I haven’t done anything wrong”, “Police investigation slander discrimination victimisation”.

David Wilson, a professor of criminology at Birmingham City University, who specialises in serial killers, said in his view the so-called confession notes were “meaningless” and had no value as evidence, particularly if they had been written as part of counselling. “Many people will say things when they are under stress and feeling bereft, that seem to imply one thing but mean nothing at all, other than reflecting the underlying stress.”
On a post it note, and I quote.........

"Letby had also written on the green Post-it note: "I don’t deserve to live. I killed them on purpose because I’m not good enough to care for them. I am a horrible evil person.”

This was written before she was arrested, there are others if you care to look.
Babies often die whilst in the care of nurses. It must be horrible to be around. I can't imagine.
By the way, they were not confessions the police got out of her, but written confessions at home prior to her arrest.
Actually she has not made a true confession. It seems the procecution may have made some use of one of the comments but not all. So just where does that leave things?
Babies often die whilst in the care of nurses. It must be horrible to be around. I can't imagine.

Absolutely agree, it would tear me apart in be involved in such situations,
Because of that, I could never have done it.

But the line "I killed them on purpose", written before she was arrested, is pretty damming.
But I have no knowledge of her true guilt or not, much like everyone on this site.
Babies often die whilst in the care of nurses. It must be horrible to be around. I can't imagine.
My daughter in law is a child A&E nurse. As she and other medical people I have come across she says she sees some terrible things. It's a factor that they have to get used to. It can't interfere with the job. The next patient needs them. TBH I suspect I would find that difficult.
By the way, they were not confessions the police got out of her, but written confessions at home prior to her arrest.
Just why would she do that?

Simple - she was under massive investigation, she was desperately worried. The pressure, alone, can play tricks with your mind.
But I have no knowledge of her true guilt or not, much like everyone on this site.
Fair enough, but the issue is whether there is evidence that would make the conviction unsafe. The gap between being sure and having a doubt, based on the presumption of innocence, is growing wider.

I have twice given (witness) statements to the Police.

With regard to one incident, it was a verbatim - literally; even down to the "erms" and "errs" - transcription of what I said.

In the second instance though, it was a loose facsimile, and really the rozzer's own version of what I had actually said.
As it was materially-accurate though (and I'd been kept waiting for most of a day, and was thinking "why bother trying to help?"), I wasn't going to go through the whole thing again.
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