Man made climate change

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Global warming could actually trigger catastrophic cooling especially for Europe and other Northern hemisphere regions . Its a nonsense to try and control the climate and to try can do more harm than good.
Global warming can actually trigger global cooling.
Yes, some predictive modelling shows that. Which you have criticised as unreliable for predicting things you disagree with.

Hypocrisy alert...
Yes, some predictive modelling shows that. Which you have criticised as unreliable for predicting things you disagree with.
Just pointing out what a nonsense all the modelling is
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Global warming could actually trigger catastrophic cooling especially for Europe and other Northern hemisphere regions

Indeed, like in The Day After Tomorrow.

Its a nonsense to try and control the climate and to try can do more harm than good.

Not sure what you mean here. Are you saying we should cut emissions or just let them rip.
You don't have kids, do you.

Poor outlook but it takes all sorts.
Nope, although I do have nephews and nieces I care deeply for.

However, as I've said before, I'm sure the younger folk (maybe including my nephews/nieces) will sort it all out.
Its good that you and my stalker notch have just googled it and are now learning new stuff - I have known about this theory for years.
Notch didn't even know what a cosmic ray was - he thought it was sunshine --- bless :LOL:
New stuff ?
That doesn't actually surprise me.
That's the choice.

Do nothing, but it's getting worse, or try and alter what we do.

Which is the better option? I don't think anybody says that anyone of us can change a lot. But we can all change a little.

Or we can just keep our heads in the sand and carry on
Read back through the thread and catch up
It's not catching up with deniers. It's trying to understand why they keep digging up debunked stuff and trying to make it make sense.

Doesn't matter how much you deny things are changing. They are. Too fast.
Even things like pollen in the air can change the weather. As well as cosmic rays from billions light years away.
I recently read of a weather reading taken when the 1,000 bomber raid attacked Cologne and researchers were able to determine the huge number of contrails left behind the USAAF reduced the ground temperature on that day. I imagine the temperature rose when aircraft were grounded over the continental United States on 9/11.
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