Man made climate change

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Yes, 'the end is nigh'. It does sound like that. A scare tale as old as humanity itself.

Like many things, the eco movement might contain some good things. I'm all for not wasting resources, for example. And generally, plastic is hideous stuff. Look at how over-packaged everything else. Look at single-use ketchups or coffee cups etc. We could certainly reduce litter, if nothing else! If doom was around the corner, all of this stuff would be already banned, and we would be using materials more akin to 150 years ago.

I wonder when a politician move to ban, say, private jets? Or first-class travel? Or multiple home ownership? End production of new cars - just keep old ones running, a la Cuba. Could take it even further... how about making imported-tat (fast fashion, electronics etc.) super-expensive, so that people will buy to last and make-do-and-mend? Actively discourage economic luxury consumption habits - might cause all kinds of hardship, but gotta save the planet, right?

Anyone pushing for this? Nope. Just tax rises, then. And 'permission slips' to leave your home, no doubt. Yep, that'll do it.
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If doom was around the corner, all of this stuff would be already banned, and we would be using materials more akin to 150 years ago.

Have you ever heard of the saying "a stitch in time saves nine"?
Its good that you and my stalker notch have just googled it and are now learning new stuff - I have known about this theory for years

Aveatry is a perfect example of why people are drawn to conspiracy theories: they think they something other people don’t, it makes them feel they are special.

Such people have an inferiority complex, they probably didn’t get enough attention from Mum and Dad, maybe they weren’t allowed a teddy bear.
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