Mandela Effect

It has a lot to do with all the **** he caused being forgotten due to lefties leaving out any part of history they don't want taught. Feed the public enough lies & they remember things differently, ie, Mandela was a poor downtrodden citizen locked up because he dared speak out against the government, when he was really a nasty marxist terrorist.
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It has a lot to do with all the **** he caused being forgotten due to lefties leaving out any part of history they don't want taught. Feed the public enough lies & they remember things differently, ie, Mandela was a poor downtrodden citizen locked up because he dared speak out against the government, when he was really a nasty marxist terrorist.
Do you have anything believable? Original?
So what was he then, the second coming of Christ?
Possibly. Infinitely more believable than your version. Just remind me - what happened with this so called terrorist when he was released from captivity. Take your time boyo.
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God, so ,much out of so little. There was a spate of VW car badge thefts a few years ago, and I can guarantee people got cheap replacements, rather than originals.
VW car badges were nicked probably close on 30yrs ago, God I feel old!
Were The Beastie Boys big in South Africa?
This is where the term the mandela effect gets its name from, people forget things that really happened & are brainwashed into believing a new turn of events. He was no saint boyo.
Is that your way of saying he was a world revered Head of State, revolutionary and philanthropist?

Brainwashed? You are a silly boy hate.
Apartheid was bad, but the ANC was responsible for the deaths of more blacks than the government .
Yes, according to the T&RC, government forces murdered only about half as many people as the agitators. I don't recall seeing a figure of citizens tortured and disabled by government forces, for example when a government assassination by bomb just blew off the hands and face of a victim, or when torture to the genitals rendered a schoolgirl permanently unable to have children. No doubt some people thought that the cost in human suffering was justified to keep Apartheid going for a few more years.

The SA experience compares poorly with the collapse of, say, the Polish or East German communist regimes, when it became apparent that they could not continue in the face of mass opposition. Luckily nobody was willing to give the order to send out tanks and machine-gun the crowds, perhaps because they didn't want to be lynched when the inevitable collapse occurred.
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