Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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I said the Court ruled that the opposition to Lanka failed to prove that Measles was caused by a virus

That wasn’t Lanka bet

Lanka offered a reward of €100,000 for “scientific proof of the existence of the alleged measles virus

and supreme Court didn’t rule whether measles was caused by a virus

The judges said their decision was purely a legal judgement and did not make any statement on the existence or nonexistence of the measles virus
Oh really? according to actual medical experts that's exactly what this paper indicates. I suspect the peer review will take considerably longer than the 24hrs it took for the Covid PCR test. Doctors are noticing the exploding re-emergence of aggressive stage 4 cancers in patients who've been in remission for years, and unusual aggressive cancers in previously healthy people, I guess it's all just a wild coincidence.

But the paper uses the term virus, and as we all know, "No virus has ever met Koch's postulates".

The paper must be a con, find a better one which doesn't write about non existent virii.
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Feel free to post something I can read, that's an accurate and honest reflection of the judgement, all of it, obviously I won't hold my breath.
I don’t need to

you made the dishonest claim

its up to you to provide the evidence….you can’t, it doesn’t exist.
Doctors are noticing the exploding re-emergence of aggressive stage 4 cancers in patients who've been in remission for years, and unusual aggressive cancers in previously healthy people
There is no evidence to back that up
but ignore the evidence I present

You present no evidence. You made a cancer claim and posted a paper in support of your view. But it made no mention of cancer, at all, and was in fact generally supportive of covid vaccines.

"BNT162b2 vaccine is clearly protective against COVID-19, but the duration of this protection is not yet known, and one could envisage future generations of the vaccine incorporating this knowledge to improve the range and duration of the protection. "
Well you provided the German link, so it's your claim, but obviously if you can't back it up that's fine, just not very honest.

it was you who made the claim the German supreme concluded there was no evidence measles was caused by a virus.

so it’s up to you to provide the evidence…not a link to some nutters site
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