Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

Just when we thought it was safe to enter GD, a new covid denying, antivaxxer walks into town

What is it about a DIY forum that attracts so many conspiracy theorists, deniers and anti-science types?
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Can you give me the data that proves any vaccine has ever worked? That is to say, a controlled study against a control group of unvaccinated people over a sustained time period comparing health outcomes. I know the answer, but lets see if you do, ready when you are.

I have it all here right on my desk, but I don't think you will understand it, so instead I will say this: stop pretending to be an idiot.
If you search for him all you'll find is that he lost a case in court when he was challenged. What they've hidden from plain site is the fact that he won in the German Supreme Court on appeal. So it couldn't be proven that a measles virus exists, why
Completely untrue

the German Supreme Court did not question the virus exists.

But the article makes a number of misinformed claims. The first is that the courts ruled Lanka had won the bet. According to independent pharmaceutical journal DAZonline, the higher regional court judges in Stuttgart, where Lanka filed his appeal in 2016, did not doubt the existence of the virus.

But they did say Lanka’s challenge was neither a bet nor a competition but an award. And only the promoter of the award, Lanka, could determine the rules and decide if its criteria had been met.

supreme didn’t question existence of measles.

you are a typical conspiracy theorist, you go rapidly from one thing to another, one dishonest claim after another.
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That would be impossible in the time you've had, and we've already seen how disingenuous you are with regards to context, so don't be a fibber, it's not big or clever.
provide the evidence I am wrong

and yes, I’ve checked every link.l..most I’d read before anyway.
Can you give me the data that proves any vaccine has ever worked? That is to say, a controlled study against a control group of unvaccinated people over a sustained time period comparing health outcomes. I know the answer, but lets see if you do, ready when you are.
False question.

vaccine roll out isn’t tested like that in a pandemic emergency.
I didn't say it did, the question in this case is that whether the condition known as measles was caused by a virus, the court concluded it was not proven, have another try.
The court did not conclude it was not proven.

the Supreme Court said the bet amounted to an “award” and the terms of that award could be decided by the person who offered the reward.
I'm open to the possibility

You are so kind.

"The problem is that Koch himself realized that requiring his postulates to be fulfilled each and every time was mistaken. He noticed people who were carriers of typhoid fever and of cholera who did not have symptoms. They had the infectious agent but not the disease. Was it proof these microbes did not after all cause the disease? No. Koch’s postulates are historically interesting, but they have essentially been supplanted by guidelines based on the detection of DNA or RNA from the microbe itself."

There's just one caveat, the covid mrna 'vaccines' don't meet the criteria of a vaccine

oh dear, you are posting all the classic conspiracist nonsense that has done the round in the last 2 years


when are going to mention Kary Mullis :ROFLMAO:
I suggest you read this, and at least try to educate yourself.

I won’t be able to educate myself from (short for Signs of the Times) is a website founded in 2002 by the Quantum Future Group, founded by an American conspiracy theorist, Laura Knight-Jadczyk.

clearly you do educate yourself from conspiracist websites :ROFLMAO:
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