Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

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There's nothing worse than being stupid and not even knowing you're stupid, and here you are, Glyphosate is well known to be a neurotoxin, just like DDT was, and its use is widespread, including in the EU. Fluoride is another known neurotoxin, the waste product from phosphate production, which you couldn't dump in the environment without being arrested, but no doubt you're cheerleading it being introduced into our water because you absurdly think it helps your teeth. I'm sure you also believe this Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, which has mysteriously just appeared has nothing to do with the 'vaccine', just like all the episodes of myocarditis and athletes dropping dead. let me guess, you actually think flu disappeared for 2 years? am I right?
Antivaxxer sheeple word salad. You saying things doesn't make them so.
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Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
Twerp. There is nothing new about it.

Sudden adult death syndrome, also known as SADS, occurs when a person under the age of 40 years old suffers a sudden death without a known cause after an autopsy and toxicology screen (drug test).

It's always happened and one of the facts about life. The age mentioned has varied but can be seen as a milestone in life as some for some reason or the other do not make it

Another take on it where the cause may be found

This is why the cause of the cardiac arrest can’t be found and SADS might be diagnosed.
Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome affects around 500 people in the UK every year.
You may also see sudden arrhythmic death syndrome, or SADS, being called sudden adult death syndrome.

Some just die and there can be a number of reasons why. Clearing 40 means a great reduction in the risk of experiencing it. I recollect some one who had kidney failure. Fine one day. feeling a bit odd the next and dead the day after.
Oki doki....

Reviews of The Expose.... What a crock of ****

The question should be "why did they give her the vaccine?".

The lady was in such a weakened state that even the slightest trauma would have killed her.
Loads of older and weaker people of all ages have been vaccinated in care homes - 4 times each now. Why haven't they all died? Why have they been vaccinated?
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