Message to Freddie

Thanks for that freddie, so it looks like I wouldn't get one under 525 squid. I'm abit shy of spending too much on digital cos they are updating so fast, my sony dsc-f828 is like something from the industrial revolution already (but not so well built) the good thing about it is you can get a really good film camera at a bargain price.
havnt been on the www lately, inundated with work.
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Richardp said:
Thanks for that freddie, so it looks like I wouldn't get one under 525 squid. I'm abit shy of spending too much on digital cos they are updating so fast, my sony dsc-f828 is like something from the industrial revolution already (but not so well built) the good thing about it is you can get a really good film camera at a bargain price.
havnt been on the www lately, inundated with work.

Richard the 350d is selling like hot cakes and has rave reveiws so really what else can you ask for.

The say the Canon 1ds mk11 is equal to 120mm film and its newer model next year will finally put medium format film to bed so then the world will purely be digital
Richardp said:
Thanks for that freddie, so it looks like I wouldn't get one under 525 squid. I'm abit shy of spending too much on digital cos they are updating so fast, my sony dsc-f828 is like something from the industrial revolution already (but not so well built) the good thing about it is you can get a really good film camera at a bargain price.
havnt been on the www lately, inundated with work.

Makes a good read this forum :)

Waiting because the cameras are updating so fast is going to be a long wait. I keep thinking this with pooters but the one available now is still better than I will really need for a long time yet. I bought a Fuji last year and now I can get the same camera but updated by a couple of numbers for less money but I would have had to wait a year and have missed some lovely piccies. In the future I will buy another camera and the same will happen, ho hum..

OK time to show off :LOL: I dont really like sunsets but this one was abit good.
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gruntyv8 said:
Richardp said:
Thanks for that freddie, so it looks like I wouldn't get one under 525 squid. I'm abit shy of spending too much on digital cos they are updating so fast, my sony dsc-f828 is like something from the industrial revolution already (but not so well built) the good thing about it is you can get a really good film camera at a bargain price.
havnt been on the www lately, inundated with work.

Makes a good read this forum :)

Waiting because the cameras are updating so fast is going to be a long wait. I keep thinking this with pooters but the one available now is still better than I will really need for a long time yet. I bought a Fuji last year and now I can get the same camera but updated by a couple of numbers for less money but I would have had to wait a year and have missed some lovely piccies. In the future I will buy another camera and the same will happen, ho hum..

I'm happy with what my camera will do but for work digital is still not accepted so I have to use medium format as well. could do wiv a new go faster pooter tho :p
Don't bank on that freddo ... here comes Hassleblad... with it's new J C f'kin B platform ;) ...

Jeez, look at the size of the back on that (that little tv like lump hanging out of it)... comes with the larger format territory I guess.
The Hasselblad H2 camera is the finest medium format dual-platform camera on the market today, handling digital and analogue capture with equal ease. It is designed for the toughest professional use and is equipped with an impressive array of user-friendly features.
JCB Joke? Check these weights..
Weight: Camera body: 830 g. 90° viewfinder: 330 g, Film magazine: 475 g (incl film), Lens 2,8/80 mm: 450 g

Caramba !! droooolll ! No hassel !

--------Now down from the clouds, don't req' another mortgage thanks.

If I were buying now from a base platform .. I'd be looking SLR with changeable back ... Digital / film .. common lenses .. Something which may be updated without changing the whole ... Probably ball breakingly expensive I am sure, unless earning with it of course.
Maybe in a few years time... when the dust has settled.
Richardp said:

OK time to show off :LOL: I dont really like sunsets but this one was abit good.

I personally like sunsets etc as I find it amazin that nature can come up with such beuty while we do our best to screw it all up.
Is that a Scilly one ... or somewhere below?
Nice shot.... seascapes are so alluring... Is that the Islander in us?
Have another one then


Off the coast of Naples hmmm warm evenings hmmm nice cold beer hmmm new baby holidays for a while then!
Funny how black and white is considered so highly, can be nice but, hell! we got colour now, abit poncey me thinks.

mind you i must be a ponce as well as i quick like black and white!

Freddie said:
Ahem just one slight problem Brightspark which i think you ought to check out.

You say you bought the camera in Atlanta August 04---well i just asked on an American Canon website and apparently they are adament it never had a metal body and even more adament that it never came on sale there untill March this year 2005 as some of these people bought the first ones, infact they remarked that you are " pulling my chain ".

Do you think you could put your reciept on here so i can take a copy and post it on that forum to prove what you are saying?

Freddie..typo on my part in my email to Canon. :oops: :oops: .should have been April 05 not 04..obviously with the reciept they saw the Typo..or maybe not...

It's probably that i wrote last August, thought better of it and changed it to date format..and was blond!!

Definitely August 05 though.
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