
What has skin colour and DNA got to do with people not wanting the UK's borders to be open to economic chancers and benefits tourists?

Line up a job, get a visa, no problem.
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What Muffy fails to realise is that whatever our origins, us English have evolved. Most of the parasites flocking to Great Benefitsland are neither capable nor interested in moving away from their stone age roots. Witness throwbacks wandering around our towns and cities in sheets and sandals. :ROFLMAO:
ReganAndCarter demonstrating his white superiority racism. :rolleyes:
What was the housing benefit and other free stuff available under Septimius Severus and then Alfred The Great? :unsure: Were free carrier pigeons handed out in medieval times, and free blood letting for ailments?
Woody thinks that it was the same people that left Africa all those years ago, that arrived by dingy in UK. :rolleyes:
He thinks that thousands of years ago, people like Lucy, one day decided to set sail, from Africa, for UK because she heard on the grape vine that the benefits were better. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Assuming a 25 year generation gap, and assuming that children move away from home, perhaps some a few miles, others a couple of hundred miles, occasionally some thousands of miles, it doesn't take many generations for "an ethnicity" to leave Africa and arrive in UK, interbreeding with Neanderthals and other ethnicities on the way.
But they weren't heading to UK, they were just exploring and some of them chanced on UK, eventually. They populated Asia, Middle East and Australia first.
It was much later that they spread to Europe.
Migration is a natural part of human development and evolution. White explorers weren't the only ones who knew how to build boats. They weren't the only ones to rape and pillage other lands. But their capacity to fool themselves into believing that they're superior to other ethnicities knows no bounds, and it shows time and time again in these threads.
Pat ex will be wetting her knickers wanting to 'contribute' to this thread. Love it.
Typical gone contribution. He hasn't the intellectual capacity to contribute to the discussion, so he does what he does best, he's abusive.
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Bow to the black skinned first Britons that paved the way for the gammony Germanic beaker invaders that woody calls indigenous :ROFLMAO:
Your mind is taking the "out of Africa" hypothesis to the extreme, and wetting your knickers to boot. Calm down.

I don't think it works that way. Although I do see similarities between the first single cell amoeba and parasitic leeches invading a host to suck the host dry.
Does Pat ex understand the off side rule?
Explain the up-to-date rule to us. As far as I recall, it keeps changing.
At the same time, perhaps you could explain its relevance to this discussion?
Your mind is taking the "out of Africa" hypothesis to the extreme, and wetting your knickers to boot. Calm down.
It isn't extreme, It's the way it happened. Western Europeans are one of the latest generations of Africans.

I don't think it works that way. Although I do see similarities between the first single cell amoeba and parasitic leeches invading a host to suck the host dry.
Typical white superiority racist comment.
It isn't extreme, It's the way it happened. Western Europeans are one of the latest generations of Africans.

Typical white superiority racist comment.
You make a point but the generation gap would've been between 15-20 years in Paleolithic times. I think the lifespan was about 30 years.
You make a point but the generation gap would've been between 15-20 years in Paleolithic times. I think the lifespan was about 30 years.
Not so long ago, the 'Madame Butterfly' in the opera was just 15 years old, and the opera, about an American in Japan, was written by an Italian in 1904. She bears the American a son.
From 200AD on wards hardly ancient history oldest remains found in england are 500,000 years old
And considering the roman legions with soldiers from all over europe and middle east and north africa where in in england for 400 odd years its hardly surprising that dna is mixed
From 200AD on wards hardly ancient history oldest remains found in england are 500,000 years old
And considering the roman legions with soldiers from all over europe and middle east and north africa where in in england for 400 odd years its hardly surprising that dna is mixed
The oldest human remains found in England are 'Cheddar Man'; from around 10,000 years ago.
I think the oldest in the world were in Morocco and dated to 300,000 years.
I don't think many Roman soldiers inter-married to make much of a dent in the dna record.
The oldest human remains found in England are 'Cheddar Man'; from around 10,000 years ago.
I think the oldest in the world were in Morocco and dated to 300,000 years.
I don't think many Roman soldiers inter-married to make much of a dent in the dna record.
Who mentioned married do you think the romans did not rape and pillage like every other invading army did then .
Tens of thousands of occupying roman soldiers for 400 years is a significant amount of people

"How many British people are descended from Romans?

A genetic study of five thousand people indicated that up to four million men in England and Wales carry distinctive genetic signatures which are most commonly found, and likely have their origin, in Italy"

Now thats actual romans the legions were made up from people from all over the empire
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